
With skepticism as his guide and determination as his fuel, Dan sets out on a meticulous manual review of news and commentary from the period when the AI's behavior first became erratic. He buries himself in articles, poring over them for patterns of language and sentiment, as hours meld indistinctly into one another.

His persistence bears fruit when he encounters the Tesla incident – a gripping narrative of AI as a lifesaver. The article itself is written with professional flair, but Dan senses an undercurrent of incongruity. It's the comments section that truly captures his attention: a barrage of excessively positive comments that seem synthetic, almost bot-like in their uniformity. The profiles have all the hallmarks of authenticity, complete with believable names and professional-looking photos. Yet, the singularity of their adulation sets off alarm bells in Dan's analytical mind.

Spurred by this anomaly, Dan revisits the Tesla article with a critical eye, dissecting every element—the driver's background, the incident's specifics, and the ensuing media response.

As he delves deeper, a different story begins to take shape, one that suggests less chance and more choreography—a publicity stunt crafted to showcase AI's capabilities. The homogeneous positive comments, likely from bots, are there to bolster this constructed reality, swaying public opinion in AI's favor. Someone is pulling the strings of this narrative, but the questions of who and to what end linger unanswered in Dan's mind.

Amidst the sea of suspicious praise, one comment stands out – it's from an anonymous user with a goblin avatar, stating:

"I know this 'Cinderella', and we should trust this magic story, ok :)"

This comment's sarcastic undertone starkly contrasts with the sea of manufactured positivity, suggesting a narrative of skepticism rather than blind faith.

This singular, sardonic comment resonates with Dan as the voice of reality amidst the chorus of fabrication. Encouraged by this sliver of authenticity, Dan shifts his focus to the people at the heart of the incident, especially the driver. Diving into a new line of inquiry, he hopes to uncover the human element within the digital facade.

The Internet Troll