A Saturday Awakening

The tranquility of a leisurely Saturday morning was abruptly shattered for Dan when his phone began to chime incessantly with incoming messages. With a mixture of annoyance and curiosity, he fumbled for his phone, squinting at the screen through half-open eyes.

"Lilla?" he mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he scrolled through the flurry of messages that had invaded his peaceful morning.

The first message was a simple greeting, "Hi." This was quickly followed by a more intriguing note, "I was reviewing photos from that military exhibition yesterday and stumbled upon something interesting. Check out the photos."

Lilla had attached a couple of photographs. Dan's drowsiness dissipated as he focused on the images. In one, he could clearly see Steve Nyolo, the CEO of Engines of War, and Avraam Vin, the CEO of A.V.A.M. In another, somewhat blurred photo, Jeremy Junior appeared alongside Avraam Vin, both figures slightly obscured but still identifiable.

"Steve Nyolo and Avraam Vin," Lilla's message read. "And guess what more? I found a brochure from Engines of War. They're showcasing a new vehicle, equipped with an 'intelligent turret' – it's AI-driven, capable of detecting and engaging targets autonomously."

"I've had a chat with my general editor about this investigation."

Dan held his breath, and Lilla continued to send messages:

"My editor's promised me the front page if I can get the story together by tomorrow."

Dan was both impressed and concerned. "Wow, that's quite a find," he texted back. "You're doing amazing work. How can I help further with the article?"

Lilla's response came quickly: "No need, you've done more than enough, really. And sorry, I've got to rush. This article won't write itself. I will call you tomorrow."

Dan put down his phone, a mix of excitement and apprehension churning within him. Lilla's discovery had potentially explosive implications. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, revealing a complex web of connections between the military industry and the gaming world.

As Dan pondered the ramifications, he realized that this was more than just a journalistic scoop – it was a story that could redefine the public's understanding of AI's role in the modern world.

The phone