
Dan and Andrew met in the office rest area the following day.

Dan began the conversation by reminiscing about their shared past. "How are you doing?"

Andrew replied, "Not great, not terrible. But in general, I'm good, thanks."

"How long have you lived in Europe?"

"Unwillingly, in Poland since the summer of 2022..."

"I understand," Dan empathized. "Leaving Kharkiv must have been tough for you, right?"

Andrew nodded, his expression distant. "Yes, it was chaotic. We just finished school and had to make quick decisions."

Dan related his own story. "I remember that year vividly. Finishing school amidst all that chaos was surreal. My family and I moved to Budapest, where I joined the university."

Andrew sipped his coffee, recalling, "I ended up in Warsaw with my mother. I started university there but didn't finish. Life took a different direction."

Curious, Dan asked, "What happened then?"

Andrew explained, "I had to work. I started at McDonald's, worked there for two years, and eventually became a manager."

"That's quite a shift," Dan remarked. "From McDonald's to the AI Church."

Andrew chuckled. "Yes, it sounds bizarre when you say it like that. The Church wasn’t concerned about my educational background or the lack of it. My multilingual skills – Ukrainian, Polish, English, and Russian – and my managerial experience, albeit at McDonald's, were valued."

Their conversation shifted to Andrew's role in the AI Church as they entered a meeting room. They discussed the Church's extensive investments in AI, engineering, and research, showcasing its deep integration into the tech world. Andrew detailed how the Church, with its significant resources including Bitcoin, supported various initiatives, including university grants and cyber game tournaments.

Andrew did not strike Dan as a fanatic. His decision to join the AI Church was driven by practicality, rooted in the critical financial situation faced by his family.

Andrew also disclosed another aspect of his job – earning additional income in Bitcoin for activity on social networks for the AI Church.

“He really doesn’t see a problem with this, and he’s honest with me,” Dan thought, and seizing the opportunity, casually inquired, "So, if I need consultation about bitcoin and crypto, can I ask you for help?"

"Sure," Andrew smiled. "I trade crypto like a pro. But in fact, I usually convert my BTC to fiat at city ATMs."

Their shared history of fleeing Kharkiv and rebuilding their lives in foreign lands formed a subtle connection, albeit one that led them down distinctly different paths. For Dan, this meeting offered insight into an alternative reality shaped by different choices and circumstances.

As their meeting concluded, Dan reflected on the complexities surrounding Andrew. Once merely a school acquaintance, Andrew now occupied a unique position at the intersection of technology, finance, and the AI Church.

Office rest area