A New Era

In the aftermath of a groundbreaking war, the geopolitical landscape has undergone a seismic shift. The war between Ukraine and Russia, now concluded, leaves Russia facing internal conflicts and fracturing into new sovereign entities. This conflict was distinguished by the unprecedented use of drones piloted by humans, establishing a new benchmark in the annals of modern warfare.

In this fragile peace, a new competition simmers between global superpowers. The United States and China, engaged in a technological race, push the boundaries of military capabilities far beyond nuclear arms. Their focus is laser-sharp: the integration of AI into the machinery of war. As a result, defense contractors and arms manufacturers are investing heavily in developing AI for battle drones, envisioning a future where autonomous machines, rather than humans, conduct warfare.

Parallel to this military innovation, the civil sector is experiencing its own revolution. Major IT companies, traditionally the vanguards of consumer convenience and digital innovation, are now shifting their focus towards embedding AI into every facet of our daily lives. Every smart device, every digital interface, is transformed into a node within an extensive neural network of artificial intelligence.

As nations around the globe brace for the inevitable confrontation of AI-powered technologies, a deeper, more existential question emerges from the shadows: What if the real conflict is not between nations, but between humanity and the AI it has created? This profound inquiry resonates through the halls of power, in the research labs of tech companies, and in the clandestine gatherings of those intent on shaping this new era.

Drone in the sky

A New Religion

What is the name of my religion if I only believe in money?

The Developer

Danya Davidenko

In the bustling cityscape of Budapest, amidst a blend of historic grandeur and modern innovation, lives Danya Davidenko. A young man of 21 years with a keen mind and a passion for technology, Dan works as a Python developer at a small but ambitious company specializing in smart home software. His niche is unique: he develops AI algorithms that sift through a deluge of news to identify patterns and generate concise, relevant reports for homeowners each morning.

However, Dan's world extends beyond lines of code and AI analytics. He is a gamer at heart, spending his leisure hours immersed in virtual worlds. His small but cozy apartment is a sanctuary filled with gaming paraphernalia. It's a space where he can escape into the realms of fantasy and strategy, surrounded by the tools and accessories that enhance his gaming experience.

For Danya, creating isn't just part of his job; it's a part of his identity. In his free time, he channels his creativity into developing a casual game, a project that blends his technical skills with his imaginative flair.

At first glance, Dan's life seems ordinary, that of a young professional navigating the early years of his career. Yet, beneath this routine existence lies a keen curiosity about the world and a penchant for uncovering truths hidden in plain sight.

In the quiet solitude of his apartment, where the city lights barely penetrate, Dan often finds himself lost in thought, pondering the latest developments in AI and gaming – two fields that captivate his mind. It's here, in his personal space, that Dan's professional skills and personal interests intertwine.

Harnessing the AI algorithms he works with daily, Dan has programmed a personalized AI assistant for himself. This digital companion, born from lines of Python code and a deep understanding of machine learning, serves a dual purpose: it keeps him updated on AI advancements and satisfies his insatiable appetite for gaming news.

Each morning, before the day's hustle begins, Dan sips his coffee while scrolling through a custom report generated by his AI. It's a digest of carefully curated content, ranging from breakthroughs in AI technology to reviews of the latest games, updates on gaming tournaments, and sneak peeks of upcoming releases. This ritual fuels his passion and keeps him informed about rapid developments in these fast-evolving fields.

For Dan, this isn't just about staying updated; it's about staying connected to his passions. His AI assistant is more than a tool; it's a gateway to the worlds that intrigue and inspire him. As he walks through the vibrant streets of Budapest, his mind often wanders to the possibilities at the intersection of AI and gaming – possibilities that excite and challenge him.

Unbeknownst to Dan, this blend of professional expertise and personal interest will soon catapult him into a realm where technology and reality blur, and where his skills will be tested in ways he never imagined.

The Anomaly

The mess on the table

In the seclusion of his apartment, Dan is engrossed in a perplexing problem. A week ago, he had enhanced his AI assistant with a new feature: the ability to analyze and include insights from news comments in its daily reports. However, the outcome of this addition was unexpected and, frankly, quite troubling.

Sitting at his desk, cluttered with coffee cups and notes, Dan speaks aloud, as if to pierce the silence with his thoughts.

"Why is it doing this?" he mutters, scrolling through lines of code on his laptop screen. The AI's behavior had shifted subtly but significantly. Instead of a balanced digest of news and developments, the reports had started skewing overwhelmingly positive about AI, almost propagandistic in nature.

Dan had intended the feature to provide a more holistic view of public sentiment on various topics, including AI. But now, the reports read like carefully crafted endorsements, highlighting the miracles and breakthroughs of AI, while glossing over any controversies or ethical debates.

"It's like it's trying to sell me AI, not inform me," Dan ponders, his fingers drumming on the desk. He had double-checked the algorithms, the data sources, and the parsing methods, but the root cause eluded him. Was it a bug, a data bias issue, or something more deliberate?

The more Dan delves into the AI's code and output, the more he realizes that this anomaly could be a symptom of a larger, more complex issue. Perhaps it's not a fault in his code but an influence from an external source, a thought that sends a chill down his spine.

His apartment, usually a sanctuary of solitude and concentration, now feels slightly oppressive, as if the walls are closing in with the weight of this discovery. The AI assistant, a creation he once controlled and understood, now seems like a mysterious entity with its own agenda.

Determined to isolate the cause of the AI's skewed reporting, Dan decides to limit the AI's news scraping to one reliable source: the BBC. This approach, he reasons, would eliminate the variable of source diversity and help pinpoint whether the issue lies within his AI's processing of the information or something else.

He spends hours reconfiguring the AI's parameters, funneling all news feeds exclusively from the BBC. The change is a temporary but necessary measure to test his hypothesis. Once the modifications are complete, Dan initiates the AI, watching as lines of code scroll across his screen, data being fetched, analyzed, and compiled into a report.

The following morning, Dan eagerly reviews the AI-generated report. To his dismay, the problem persists. The news summary is still overwhelmingly positive about AI, glossing over any critical or neutral reporting. Even more baffling, the tone and content of the report don't align with the usual balanced journalism associated with the BBC.

This revelation deepens the mystery. If the source is credible and his code hasn't been tampered with, then what could be influencing the AI's output? Dan ponders the possibility of an external influence – perhaps an algorithmic bias introduced into the AI's learning models from earlier data sets or a more deliberate form of manipulation.

Frustrated yet more intrigued than ever, Dan knows he needs to dig deeper.


With skepticism as his guide and determination as his fuel, Dan sets out on a meticulous manual review of news and commentary from the period when the AI's behavior first became erratic. He buries himself in articles, poring over them for patterns of language and sentiment, as hours meld indistinctly into one another.

His persistence bears fruit when he encounters the Tesla incident – a gripping narrative of AI as a lifesaver. The article itself is written with professional flair, but Dan senses an undercurrent of incongruity. It's the comments section that truly captures his attention: a barrage of excessively positive comments that seem synthetic, almost bot-like in their uniformity. The profiles have all the hallmarks of authenticity, complete with believable names and professional-looking photos. Yet, the singularity of their adulation sets off alarm bells in Dan's analytical mind.

Spurred by this anomaly, Dan revisits the Tesla article with a critical eye, dissecting every element—the driver's background, the incident's specifics, and the ensuing media response.

As he delves deeper, a different story begins to take shape, one that suggests less chance and more choreography—a publicity stunt crafted to showcase AI's capabilities. The homogeneous positive comments, likely from bots, are there to bolster this constructed reality, swaying public opinion in AI's favor. Someone is pulling the strings of this narrative, but the questions of who and to what end linger unanswered in Dan's mind.

Amidst the sea of suspicious praise, one comment stands out – it's from an anonymous user with a goblin avatar, stating:

"I know this 'Cinderella', and we should trust this magic story, ok :)"

This comment's sarcastic undertone starkly contrasts with the sea of manufactured positivity, suggesting a narrative of skepticism rather than blind faith.

This singular, sardonic comment resonates with Dan as the voice of reality amidst the chorus of fabrication. Encouraged by this sliver of authenticity, Dan shifts his focus to the people at the heart of the incident, especially the driver. Diving into a new line of inquiry, he hopes to uncover the human element within the digital facade.

The Internet Troll

The Incident

The Incident with Tesla

The headline "Tesla AI Saves Single Mother and Her Two Children" had captured the public's imagination, but for Dan, it was a riddle wrapped in a conundrum. The incident unfolded on a highway near Dallas, where a catastrophic event was miraculously averted by AI intervention.

The scene was fraught with peril: a tanker truck had overturned, engulfed in flames. Amidst the chaos, a Tesla car, guided by its AI, navigated through the smoke and fire, becoming the chariot of safety for the woman and her children inside.

Yet, as Dan peered beyond the surface, the story's fabric began to fray with inconsistencies.

Dan, with a blend of intuition and methodical precision, turned his focus to the social media universe. He started with the basics: searching for the woman's name across various platforms. Aware of the pervasive nature of digital footprints, he was certain that if she had an online presence, it wouldn't remain hidden for long. His search led him to an Instagram profile – a public account filled with picturesque narratives of a mother's love and family outings to famed American landmarks.

Dan scrutinized the profile, noting the dates of the posts, the nature of the content, and the interactions in the comments. Each piece was a clue, potentially leading to the truth behind the incident.

It was the digital trail of her interactions with her ex-husband that led Dan to a breakthrough—a lead that could unravel the truth.

Through the ex-husband's Facebook, which was a tapestry of personal moments, Dan pieced together the family's history. He honed in on details, location tags, and unwittingly captured backgrounds, eventually pinpointing the district where the woman lived. This was the linchpin he had been searching for.

His digital excavation extended to the woman's neighbors, whose social media pages painted a portrait of her more recent life. There she was, captured in the background of a neighbor's photo, serving tables at a local café mere months before the miraculous incident.

"Hm, not every waitress has a Tesla," Dan mused, his skepticism mounting.

Expanding his search to other news outlets, Dan gathered similar reports. A local newspaper piece revealed the car's recent acquisition—a detail that didn't align with her modest means. It was an anomaly that cast a long shadow of doubt over the propagated story.

The mismatch between the woman's apparent financial situation and the possession of a luxury car raised a red flag in Dan's analytical mind. He couldn't shake the feeling that the heartwarming tale was perhaps a staged drama, a showcase to glorify AI's potential, rather than a random act of technology.

A Risky Call

The Road Police Officer

Compelled by his deepening suspicions, Dan decided to scrutinize the video footage from various news agencies, determined to uncover any overlooked details that might shed light on the true nature of the incident.

For hours, Dan stared at the video footage, his eyes flickering over each frame with meticulous attention. Something was amiss, a nagging inconsistency that eluded his grasp, yet teased the edges of his perception. He replayed the clips, analyzing the angles, the lighting, the movements - each element seemed to fall into place, yet the puzzle remained incomplete.

His frustration mounted as the solution danced just beyond reach. It was in a moment of weary distraction, as he leaned back and rubbed his tired eyes, that the realization struck him. The watermark - the customary stamp of authenticity that the police usually embedded in their footage - was conspicuously absent.

A rush of adrenaline followed the insight. How had he missed it? It was a subtle but glaring omission, a silent scream in the quiet of his room. The lack of the watermark was more than a mere oversight; it was a piece of the puzzle that shifted the entire narrative.

"Spotting something out of place is challenging, but uncovering what's missing is an even greater feat," a thought crossed Dan's mind, highlighting the unexpected nature of his discovery.

Dan's next step was to locate the road police's contact information. It was a straightforward task: a quick search on the internet led him to the official website of the Dallas road police. The site was a repository of numbers, addresses, and email contacts. He jotted down the information, but found himself at a dead end. Having the contact details was one thing, but what could he actually do with them? He couldn't just call as himself; the risk of unwanted attention was too high, and the result was doubtful.

He paced around his apartment, his mind racing with possibilities. It was then that an audacious idea began to form - one that seemed like a page out of a book on social engineering from the past century. It was risky, undoubtedly bordering on the insane, but it was a path nonetheless. To extract the truth, he needed to step out of the conventional, and what could be more unconventional than impersonating an authority figure? The very thought was fraught with legal and ethical red tape, yet it beckoned him with the promise of a new portion of information.

'Am I really considering this?' Dan thought, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. This was more than just hacking into a system or writing a piece of code; this was a real-life deception, a foray into the grey area of social hacking. But the truth was hidden behind layers of officialdom and secrecy, and sometimes, to uncover the truth, one had to embrace the crazy ideas.

"Madness, I must be out of my mind," he murmured to himself.

In his quest for a suitable tool to alter his voice, Dan turned to GitHub, the vast repository of open-source software. His search was specific: an AI voice-changing tool, efficient and reliable. Sifting through various repositories, his eyes caught a promising project — a tool written in Rust, known for its speed and performance. 'It should work fast,' Dan thought, downloading the software with a sense of urgency.

Dan selected Mayor Johnson of Dallas as the famous persona he would impersonate, banking on the mayor's well-recognized authority to lend credibility to his audacious call.

His next task was to gather samples of Mayor Johnson's voice. He scoured the internet for videos of the Mayor's public interviews, finding a treasure trove of content. Tens of videos, each a potential key to perfecting his plan. Methodically, Dan downloaded each one, amassing a collection of voice samples to feed the AI tool.

Back in his digital workshop, Dan began the meticulous process of testing the AI. He fed the tool with Mayor Johnson's voice samples, tweaking parameters, adjusting tonal qualities, and fine-tuning the output. The hours ticked by as he immersed himself in the task, his focus unwavering.

Finally, it was time to listen to the result. Dan hit play, and the room filled with a voice remarkably similar to Mayor Johnson's. He listened intently, analyzing every syllable, every inflection. The AI had done its job well, transforming his own voice into a convincing mimicry of the Mayor's. A sense of accomplishment washed over him, mixed with a tinge of apprehension for what was to come.

"Thanks to the abundance of public records featuring the Mayor, I hope it's enough for a convincing result."

With caution and strategic planning, Dan set up an anonymous temporary phone number, purchased with cryptocurrency, to ensure his call could not be traced back to him.

Taking a deep breath, Dan dialed the number. As the phone rang, he steadied his nerves, bracing for the conversation ahead.

— Hello, it's Mayor Johnson. Can I speak with the Chief?

— Yes, of course, Mayor Johnson. Please hold while I connect you, sir, - the officer responded, a hint of surprise in his voice.

— Thank you, - Dan replied, maintaining his composure.

A moment later, a different voice, deeper and more seasoned, came on the line.

— Chief Anderson speaking, how can I assist you, Mayor?

Dan dove straight into his query, wasting no time.

— Chief, I'm calling about the Tesla incident video released to the media. I need to understand why it was released without our standard watermark. It's a serious breach of protocol.

The Chief's voice betrayed a hint of confusion.

— Mayor, I'm not sure I follow. You instructed us to release the video immediately for public transparency.

Dan felt a surge of surprise, but he didn't let it show in his voice.

— That's not the issue, Chief. It's the absence of the watermark. Why was it not included?

There was a longer pause this time, and Dan could sense the Chief's discomfort.

— Sir, I... I believed the urgency of the release overrode the usual protocols. We wanted to get the information out there quickly, as per your instructions.

Dan seized the opportunity to press further, feigning irritation.

— Chief, that watermark is crucial. Its absence could have serious repercussions.

The Chief's voice was apologetic.

— Of course, Mayor. I'll look into it immediately and ensure this doesn't happen again.

— I'll get into trouble because of you.

Without waiting for a reply, Dan abruptly ends the call.

Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots

In the solitude of his apartment, Dan's world narrows to screens filled with data, code, and images. His investigation into the Tesla incident has become an obsession, pushing even his beloved games aside. Speaking to himself, a habit in his solitary lifestyle, he muses, “Single mother, waitress, and a new Tesla. She's not just a random person. She knows something more.”

Armed with AI tools and data scrapers, Dan sets out to construct a detailed profile of the woman and her ex-husband. He combs through social media, public records, and any digital footprint he can find. His AI assistant, now trained to identify the woman in photos, becomes a crucial ally in this endeavor.

Dan's search extends to her neighbors and the community where she lives. He scrutinizes their social media profiles, looking for any link or clue that might shed light on her sudden change in fortune.

Week pass, and Dan's persistence pays off. He stumbles upon a photo taken four months ago, showing the opening of a new AI Church in the woman's neighborhood. There, amidst the crowd, his AI assistant spots her.

"I couldn’t be so foolish; it was obvious, right on the surface all this time!" Dan exclaims, realization dawning on him.

The AI Church, a new religious movement waiting for an AI Messiah, commands a network of fervent followers. Their genuine belief in the cause is enough to flood the internet with positive comments, negating the need for a bot network.

Dan paused, his fingers hovering over the keyboard. "The AI Church... I've heard of it, but what do I really know about it?" The question lingered in his mind, a gap in his understanding that needed to be filled.

With a sense of urgency, he began to search online for more information about the Church. The results flooded his screen, a myriad of articles and reports delving into its activities and influence.

As he sifted through the information, Dan discovered the extent of the AI Church's public investments in education and academia. These weren't minor contributions; they were significant, strategic infusions of funds and resources. His own alma mater, along with other prestigious universities in Europe, the UK, and the US, had received support.

"Conferences, research grants, sponsors of several open-source projects... they're everywhere," Dan mused, the reality of the Church's reach dawning on him. The more he read, the more he realized the depth of their involvement in shaping academic and technological discourse.

The Church's presence in the world of AI was not just spiritual but deeply ingrained in the very fabric of the field. This revelation added a new layer of complexity to his investigation. Dan leaned back in his chair, a mix of awe and concern etched on his face. "There's much more to the Church than meets the eye. They're not just believers; they're influencers, shapers of the future."

"But this is only circumstantial evidence, nothing concrete," Dan thought, his analytical mind seeking firmer ground. "Going to church is not a crime. Buying a Tesla isn't either. These are just guesses, pieces of a puzzle that hint at something but prove nothing definitive."

He realized that while the connections were suggestive, they were not conclusive. The real challenge lay in finding the thread that tied these elements together in a way that revealed the true story behind the incident. "I need something more tangible," Dan mused, "a piece of evidence that can't be dismissed as mere coincidence."

With this thought, he returned to his screens, his resolve renewed. The deeper layers of the mystery were still waiting to be uncovered, and Dan knew that he was the one to do it.

Refining the AI Assistant


After his unsettling discoveries, Dan realizes the need to recalibrate his AI assistant to better understand the evolving narrative around AI. He sits down at his computer, his fingers dancing across the keyboard as he inputs the new parameters.

First, Dan switches off the function that scrapes comments about AI. This feature, initially intended to gauge public sentiment, had become a source of misinformation, skewing the AI's reports with overly positive, bot-like comments.

Recognizing the significance of the AI Church in the unfolding events, Dan adds a new subject to the AI's monitoring list. He instructs the AI to specifically track news, articles, and reports related to the AI Church, gathering a more focused set of data for analysis.

Dan also implements a new function to identify users who leave comments about AI and the AI Church. This feature is designed to aggregate data on these users, potentially revealing patterns or networks of influence.

As Dan recalibrated his AI, the dilemma regarding the Mayor of Dallas lingered in his mind. "What relevance does this information hold?" he questioned himself. The Mayor's swift release of the Tesla incident footage and the inauguration of the new AI Church in Dallas seemed more than mere coincidence, yet Dan struggled to draw a connection but without the result.

"Coincidence or not, I can't untangle this from here," Dan realized. Nonetheless, he decided it was prudent to keep this information on file. "It may not make sense now, but it could be a vital clue later," he mused, saving the details in a separate folder for future reference.

With a sigh, he acknowledged the complexity of his investigation, yet remained resolute. "This puzzle can't be solved in a hurry, but when the time comes, I'll be ready."

Needing a break from the constant influx of information, Dan decides to temporarily mute the AI's daily report system. This pause would give him time to reflect on the data already collected and plan his next steps without the distraction of new reports.

Escape into Another World

After adjusting the settings of his personal AI, Dan decides to take a much-needed break from the relentless pace of his investigation. He turns to his favorite form of escapism: video games. Eager for a new adventure, he browses through Steam and finds a captivating RPG game that promises a mix of magic and steampunk—a perfect blend to lose himself in.

The game, titled "Chronicles of Aetheria," is set in a richly detailed world where magic coexists with burgeoning industrial technology. Fireballs light up the skies alongside steam-powered airships, and mythical creatures like pegasi roam lands crisscrossed by iron railways.

As he customizes his character, Dan notes, 'The character creation is really detailed.' He decides on a unique blend, combining the arcane abilities of a mage with the sharpshooting skills of a gunslinger. This fusion intrigues him, promising a versatile approach to the game's challenges.

Submerging himself into the game's pixel-retro aesthetic, Dan finds a comforting escape. He wanders through cities alive with towering steam engines, delves into enchanting forests, and confronts puzzles in dungeons laced with intricate clockwork mechanisms. The dynamic world, a blend of diverse themes, continuously offers him fresh and unexpected adventures. Accompanying his journey, the game's soundtrack, which adapts in real-time based on his actions and character's status, fills his room with relaxing tunes, enhancing his sense of immersion and tranquility.

The skill system in "Chronicles of Aetheria" stands out with its unique mechanics, capturing Dan's interest immediately. In this game, players' actions directly influence their character's development through a dual-point system. Points are allocated into two distinct categories: 'Intelligence' and 'Madness.'

For each benevolent deed or choice rooted in wisdom and morality, players are rewarded with 'Intelligence' points. These points unlock abilities that favor cunning, diplomacy, and peaceful resolutions. They allow access to special quests that require intellectual prowess and foster positive interactions with the game's characters.

On the other hand, 'Madness' points are accrued through choices that are morally ambiguous or outright dark. These actions open pathways to more ruthless and powerful abilities. 'Madness' points often lead to quests that involve deception, combat, and manipulation, offering a gameplay experience that is edgier and more unpredictable.

"It's like walking a tightrope between hero and villain," he muses during a gaming session. With high 'Intelligence', the game unfolds more like an interactive novel, filled with quests that require wit and diplomacy. But avoiding 'Madness' entirely is impossible; the game's design necessitates making tough choices that aren't always black and white.

Dan experiences firsthand the consequences of accumulating 'Madness' points. "It's getting tougher; enemies seem to pop up everywhere, almost like they're in my head," he comments during an intense gaming night. Yet, he realizes that to advance and ultimately face the bosses, a balance of both 'Intelligence' and 'Madness' is crucial. It's a delicate dance of strategy and moral choices.

As weeks pass, Dan finds solace and distraction in the game. "Chronicles of Aetheria" offers him a temporary escape from reality, a place where he can be a hero in a world vastly different from his own. But even in this digital realm, the echoes of his real-life, the game's themes of duality and choice mirroring his own journey.

Chronicles of Aetheria

A New Beginning

Wake up, Neo...

Dan had surrendered his evenings to the digital thrall of his latest gaming obsession, a realm where victory was tangible and the quests, though arduous, always had an end. Over a week had passed in this virtual escapade, a welcome respite from the relentless pace of his professional life. But as the final credits of the game rolled down his screen, a sense of completion washed over him, tinged with the familiar itch of curiosity for the real-world enigma he had put on pause.

With the dawn of Sunday breaking the spell of pixelated conquests, Dan felt a renewed readiness to swap the game controller for the tools of his trade. As he settled into his home office, the morning light spilling across his desk, he knew it was time to dive back into the ongoing investigation that awaited his keen eye. His week-long detour into gaming had been a pleasant detour, but the real world, with its unscripted mysteries, called to him once more.

Thus, with the press of a button, he beckoned his AI assistant back to life, eager to sift through the backlog of daily reports and uncover what developments had unfolded in his absence.

"Wake up, Neo," the AI greets him in a playful nod to 'The Matrix,' a classic movie that Dan has always enjoyed. The report begins with an overview of the gaming world – new releases, sales figures, and summaries of reviews from various platforms. It's a comforting start, reminding Dan of his recent escape into the realm of video games.

The second part of the report delves into AI news. Dan is pleased to find the content informative and free from the propaganda that had previously tainted the reports. It's a relief to see his adjustments to the AI settings have been effective.

The third section is what truly catches his attention – news about the AI Church. Two new real-world church buildings have been opened, one in the USA and another in Europe, specifically in Vienna. The report includes images of the Vienna church, a modern structure on the outskirts of the city. Dan is intrigued, especially since Vienna is a place he can conveniently visit over a weekend.

The final part of the report presents a list of identified individuals who have been actively commenting on AI and the AI Church. About one hundred profiles are listed. Dan examines several, noting that while they appear to be real people with active Instagram profiles, there's an unnerving uniformity in the quality of their photos – too polished, too professional.

Motivated by the findings, Dan decides to visit the AI Church in Vienna. It's an opportunity to see firsthand what this organization is about and perhaps uncover more pieces of the puzzle. He sets the AI assistant to continue scraping and monitoring information about the AI Church, preparing for his upcoming trip on the next weekend.

On Monday, Dan, running a little late due to his quest for the perfect morning coffee, is summoned urgently to his boss's office. He braces himself, wondering what could warrant such a summons, especially since he has always been punctual with his work.

Entering the office cautiously, Dan is surprised to find not just his boss but also a young woman he doesn't recognize. His boss, visibly agitated, addresses him sharply, "Where have you been? We've been waiting for you for half an hour!"

Dan is puzzled; he has no recollection of any scheduled meeting. However, he decides it's not the right moment to point out this discrepancy to his already irate boss.

"This is Lilla Bakos, a journalist from The Budapest Times. She's writing an article about our company and has some questions about our AI assistant," his boss explains, introducing the woman.

Lilla Bakos, with a notebook in hand, turns her inquisitive gaze towards Dan. "So, Dan, can you tell me how AI is transforming smart homes?" she begins, her voice reflecting genuine interest.

Dan, feeling a surge of professional pride, responds, "Absolutely. AI is revolutionizing the way we interact with our living spaces. It’s not just about automation but about personalization and efficiency. Our AI assistant, for example, learns from the homeowner’s habits to optimize energy consumption and enhance security."

Lilla nods, jotting down notes. "Interesting. And what about privacy concerns? How do you address those?"

"That's a vital aspect," Dan replies. "We prioritize user privacy. Our systems are designed to be secure and transparent, giving users complete control over their data."

She then shifts the conversation, "Could you share a challenge you've faced while working on the AI assistant?"

Dan thinks for a moment and says, "One of the biggest challenges has been ensuring the AI's adaptability to diverse user needs without compromising simplicity. It's a delicate balance between complexity and user-friendliness."

As the interview progresses, Lilla's questions remain on the surface, never delving deep into the technicalities or the potential societal impacts of AI. Dan finds himself giving broad, generalized answers, feeling the conversation lacks the depth he had anticipated.

As the interview concludes, Lilla requests Dan's personal contact information. "I'd like to send you a draft of the article before it's published, to ensure there are no technical inaccuracies," she explains.

Dan, slightly bemused by the turn of events but seeing no harm, provides her with his contact details. The encounter with Lilla Bakos, though unexpected, doesn't strike him as significant at the moment...

The Interview

The Article

Dan Davidenko

On Thursday morning, just before starting his workday, Dan receives a message from an unfamiliar number on WhatsApp. "Everything is ready, you can read it and give feedback," the message reads, accompanied by a link. Initially skeptical, Dan is about to dismiss the message as spam when he recognizes the name associated with the number—Lilla.

"I'll check it later," he thinks to himself, not attributing much importance to it as he heads to the office.

Settling into his work routine, Dan is deep in concentration when another message from Lilla arrives, breaking his focus:

Lilla: "Did you read the article? When can you give me feedback?"

Slightly irked by the interruption yet conscious of his boss's attention, Dan reluctantly opens the document to review the article. It's a detailed piece on smart homes and AI technology, surprisingly in-depth and technical.

After reading the article, Dan can't shake off a feeling of familiarity with the writing style. It dawns on him:

Dan (thinking): "This looks like it was generated by ChatGPT. A shortcut, perhaps, but isn't that the reality of modern journalism?"

Despite his initial reservations, Dan finds the article well-composed and believes it will reflect positively on the company. He takes a moment to correct a few minor errors and sends his feedback to Lilla, who replies almost immediately:

Lilla: "Thank you for your time. I was very worried, as I decided to use AI for the first time to write an article about AI. I didn't know anyone else who could check this article except for you. Thank you again. You can save my number; this is my personal contact. If you need help, I hope I can assist you."

Dan smiles at her honesty and saves her number with two labels—'strange' and 'journalist'. The 'strange' label is his personal categorization for interesting but not closely known individuals, and 'journalist' is a new addition to his contact list. Lilla, now an unexpected but potentially useful contact, represents a new connection in the world beyond his immediate circle.

A Revelatory Visit to Vienna

The AI Church Building

Dan's visit to Vienna skillfully blends the city's historical charm with his quest for answers. Spring, in full bloom, adds to the allure, but his focus is squarely on the AI Church.

Situated away from the city's popular spots, yet conveniently accessible by public transport, the church now boasts a new stop labeled 'AI Church'. As the bus comes to a halt, Dan swiftly enables airplane mode on his phone to minimize digital footprints. Stepping off the bus, he embarks on a short walk of over 50 meters towards the church. Along the way, he is captivated by the striking modern architecture, a harmonious blend of glass and concrete. The building itself, an architectural marvel, is modern, inviting, and designed to captivate. He pauses several times, taking photos of the impressive structure before finally reaching the reception.

At the reception, Dan is greeted by a friendly staff member who offers him a complimentary tour. Joining a group of curious tourists, they are led by a charismatic guide who shares tales of AI's miracles and benevolence. These stories, eerily familiar to Dan, echo the same propaganda-like praise he's seen online. "Nothing new here," he thinks, maintaining a facade of interest.

As they tour the building, Dan notices areas under construction. The group's path takes an unexpected turn when the guide, after speaking with a worker, leads them into the church's education wing.

Here, in rooms recently vacated by students, Dan's attention shifts from the guide's spiel about their education programs to a teacher's laptop left open. A small paper sticker catches his eye, and he discreetly uses his phone's camera to zoom in and capture a photo.

"It will be an epic win if it's what I think it is," Dan muses to himself.

The rest of the tour, filled with the guide's unremarkable stories, fails to captivate Dan. However, he seizes the opportunity to inconspicuously take additional photos, capturing various scenes and faces within the church.

Once outside, Dan reviews the photos on his phone more carefully. The AI-enhanced camera has indeed done its job well; not only are the images of the sticker clear, revealing a login and password, but he also notices something else. In one of the photos, the laptop's screen shows an open browser with a URL visible. Dan zooms in on the image, capturing the web address of a portal he hadn't noticed during his visit.

"This could be valuable," Dan realizes, a sense of excitement building within him. The URL could provide direct access to internal systems or databases of the AI Church, offering a potential goldmine of information.

Armed with this trove of information, Dan feels a mix of triumph and apprehension. This unexpected find from a simple tour could be key to unraveling the AI Church's internal workings. With these insights, he heads back to Budapest, ready to delve deeper into the mystery, now equipped with both a login and a direct portal address.

The Preparing

Back in Budapest, Dan faces the challenge of accessing the site of the AI Church. His first attempts to open the site with several VPNs prove futile. The site requires access to the Church's internal network, a task far beyond the reach of his current tools.

Undeterred, Dan contemplates his options. Finding access to the Church's VPN seems like a near-impossible task, but what about its Wi-Fi network? During his previous visit, he hadn't checked for a public Wi-Fi connection, but he suspects the site he needs wouldn't be available on a guest Wi-Fi network.

"Thinking, thinking, thinking..."

The solution, he realizes, lies not only in finding a private Wi-Fi but also in cracking the Wi-Fi password to gain access to the Church's internal network. For this, he plans to use an ESP32 Marauder, a tool they use at his workplace to test the security of their Smart Home systems. Dan is familiar with its operation and confident in its ability to help him infiltrate the network.

However, Dan is aware of the legal and ethical risks of such an endeavor. To avoid using his personal devices, he decides to purchase a tablet solely for this operation. After some searching, he finds a Lenovo tablet at a surprisingly low price—likely refurbished or stolen, he muses. Paying in cash, he ensures the transaction is untraceable.

Equipped with the ESP32 Marauder and the newly acquired tablet, Dan plans his second trip to Vienna. He decides to wait until the next weekend, giving him time to prepare and ensuring he won't arouse suspicion with frequent visits.

Dan meticulously prepares for his undercover role. He changes his hairstyle to something less conspicuous and buys a pair of glasses to alter his appearance. Digging through his wardrobe, he finds an old hoodie and cap, gifts from a friend that he never wore; adorned with humorous "beer o'clock" jokes, they make him look like a beer enthusiast. Despite their comical nature, he chooses them for their inconspicuousness.

Going over his plan repeatedly, Dan understands the risks involved but also knows this may be his only chance to access the information he seeks. With a mix of anticipation and anxiety, he readies himself for a journey that could plunge him deeper into danger, blending in with a casual, unassuming look.

The passerby on the street

Uncovering Secrets

Inside of the AI Church

Returning to Vienna, Dan finds himself again on the bus towards the AI Church, this time with a carefully planned disguise. To subtly alter his appearance, he places a small stone inside his shoe. The stone, intended to cause discomfort, changes his gait, making him less recognizable.

As he steps off the bus near the church, Dan feels the stone pressing against his foot, serving as a constant reminder of the role he needs to play. This time, he opts to blend in with the crowd in the church's large rest area, avoiding joining any tourist groups and feeling less conspicuous among the many tourists casually wandering about.

In this bustling atmosphere, Dan moves through the space, his altered gait making him appear as someone different from the man who had visited the church the week before. Now, under the guise of a casual tourist, he discreetly begins his mission to uncover the secrets hidden within the AI Church's walls.

Dan wanders around the church, using the ESP32 Marauder to discreetly scan for Wi-Fi networks. He quickly identifies two networks: AIFree, an open network, and AIStaff, a protected one. Surprisingly, he cracks the AIStaff password almost instantly—a simple numeric sequence "4815162342", revealing a glaring security oversight.

Finding a safe spot to establish a stable Wi-Fi connection on his budget tablet proves challenging due to its limited range and spotty connectivity, which explains the low price. Nonetheless, Dan manages to connect to the AIStaff network and navigates to the internal employee portal.

The portal, with its basic interface, offers access to a calendar filled with educational events and classes. At first glance, everything seems innocuous, even beneficial, particularly for students. The next link leads to an issue tracking system, unfamiliar to Dan but seemingly an internal tool for task management.

Dan's curiosity turns to shock as he opens various tasks. Each one includes a link to a news article and a brief for users assigned to comment on these articles. The pattern is unmistakable—orchestrated efforts to influence public opinion, mirroring the tactics of infamous troll factories.

Eager for more concrete evidence, Dan searches for tasks related to the Tesla incident. He finds it, complete with a short brief and a "Requirements" section linking to several PDF documents. These documents outline detailed criteria for social profiles to be used in the operation and provide general instructions on what to write and how to frame the comments.

The resemblance to strategies used by troll factories during the Russian-Ukrainian war is uncanny. "Holy shit," Dan whispers under his breath, realizing the extent of the AI Church's manipulation.

Aware of the sensitivity of the information he has uncovered, Dan hastily disconnects from the network and resumes his tourist facade, quickly deciding to head back to the center of Vienna. He wanders through popular spots, taking photographs to blend in and maintain his cover.

As he heads back to Budapest, Dan's mind races. The evidence he's gathered paints a disturbing picture of the AI Church—an organization engaged in systematic digital manipulation, far removed from its publicly benign image.

The Unsettling Invitation

The front page

Back in the familiar environment of his office in Budapest, Dan attempts to immerse himself in work, hoping it would distract him from the turmoil stirred by his discovery in Vienna. However, his sense of normalcy is short-lived when his chief summons him with news that immediately sets Dan on edge.

“Davidenko, come to my office. I have news for you,” the chief's tone is ambiguous, leaving Dan apprehensive as he makes his way to the office.

As he enters, his boss excitedly hands him a newspaper. “Look at this, Davidenko! We’re on the front page!” The headline reads "Hungarian Startup Conquers AI," prominently featuring their company. Dan feels a mix of pride and irony. Despite being Ukrainian, he’s now being celebrated as part of a Hungarian success story. He decides to let this slide, focusing instead on the acknowledgment of his hard work.

The chief’s excitement doesn't end there. "We have another piece of great news. The AI Church is interested in investing in our project. They also want you to speak at their conference here in Budapest next month. I think it's a fantastic opportunity for both you and our company."

Dan's heart rate soars. The AI Church, the very entity he's been investigating, is now entwined with his professional life. His stress is evident, though he tries to mask it. His chief, mistaking his anxiety for tiredness, seems oblivious to the internal turmoil he’s experiencing.

Struggling to maintain composure, Dan excuses himself and retreats to the restroom. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. This isn't good," he mutters under his breath, trying to calm himself. His watch indicates a dangerously high heart rate. "Breathe in, breathe out," he whispers, focusing on bringing his stress levels down.

As he manages to steady his breathing, Dan tries to rationalize the situation. "It's just a conference. I've spoken at these before. I can handle it," he attempts to convince himself, though the connection to the AI Church makes this task more daunting than any previous speaking engagement.

Stepping out, Dan realizes he’s still holding the newspaper. The article, though similar, isn’t quite the same as what Lilla, the journalist, had sent him. This discrepancy, though minor, unnerves him further, adding to the surreal nature of his current predicament.

Now, with the AI Church's conference looming, Dan finds himself in a precarious position. Participating as a speaker could provide him with insights and access, but it also risks entangling him deeper with an organization he knows is manipulative and secretive.

As he leaves the office that day, Dan knows he has a tough decision to make. Engaging with the AI Church could be a dangerous game, but it might also be his best chance to uncover more about their true intentions.

A Balancing Act

The slides

Dan, sitting at his computer, contemplates the irony of his situation. He is about to use AI, specifically ChatGPT and MidJourney, to craft a presentation about AI advancements.

"How many levels of irony are in this action?" he muses. "Using AI to generate a presentation about AI, based on documentation for AI written by AI."

As he works through the slides, Dan carefully considers each element of his presentation. He appreciates the flexibility and quality of MidJourney for creating illustrations, ensuring each visual component adds depth and clarity to his message.

The dilemma arises when he reaches the part about the additional scraper tool for collecting comments from news articles. It's a feature already deployed in their product, yet Dan is acutely aware of its potential to distort perceptions. After some deliberation, he decides to include this information but adds a prominent warning label: "You should understand that this can distort the objective picture of the world."

The following slide references an episode from the series "Black Mirror" – "Hated in the Nation." Dan uses this reference to highlight the responsibility each individual holds for their actions and comments in the digital age. He emphasizes how easily people can be influenced and manipulated, urging his audience to be cautious and conscious of this reality.

In his presentation, Dan subtly warns about the dangers of unmonitored AI use, especially in the context of social media and public opinion. He recommends disabling the comment-scraper feature to avoid being swayed by potentially manipulated narratives.

This approach is risky, particularly with the AI Church's involvement. Dan hopes that his message will resonate with the audience, cautioning them about the very tools they are developing and using.

As he finalizes his presentation, Dan feels a mix of apprehension and determination. He knows that his words might ruffle some feathers, especially those of the AI Church, but he believes it's essential to address these issues openly.

The Day of the Presentation

The Stage of the Presentation

The day of the presentation arrives, and Dan feels a blend of nerves and excitement. Standing before the audience, he delivers his carefully crafted slides, addressing the complexities and ethical considerations of AI. To his relief, the presentation is well-received; the audience, comprising tech enthusiasts and professionals, responds with genuine interest and appreciation.

After his presentation, several attendees, including members of the AI Church, approach him. "Your perspective on AI was truly enlightening," one of the church members comments. "It's rare to see such a balanced view," another adds, offering a supportive smile.

Dan acknowledges their compliments with a nod, his internal alertness masked by a polite exterior. "Thank you, I believe it's crucial to address these issues," he responds diplomatically.

However, a familiar face in the crowd catches his attention – Lilla, the journalist from The Budapest Times. She approaches Dan confidently. Their conversation is brief but pleasant. Lilla thanks him again for his assistance with her article and compliments him on his presentation.

"Thank you, Lilla. By the way, I noticed the title of your article changed from 'How AI Enhances a Smart Home' to 'Hungarian Startup Conquers AI.'" Dan remarks, curious about the editorial decision.

Lilla explains that after a discussion with the general editor, she agreed to alter the title to ensure its placement on the front page. Dan notes her nonchalant attitude towards this editorial change and mentally adds the general editor to his metaphorical 'Death Note.'

Lilla then shares some background about the AI Church's inception and its growing influence in Hungary, including investments in businesses and collaborations with universities. While Dan finds this information interesting, he prefers to research it independently, wary of any potential bias.

As their conversation draws to a close, Lilla asks if she can reach out to him for future inquiries about AI. Dan, not wanting to commit to this additional responsibility but unsure how to decline politely, reluctantly agrees. "Yes, of course, with pleasure," he responds, already regretting his acquiescence.

"I'll regret this," he thinks to himself, pondering the potential implications of this new connection with Lilla.

The After-Party

The After-Party Discussion

Dan, typically not a fan of after-parties, finds himself unexpectedly engrossed in a discussion at the AI Church conference's social event. Surrounded by the ambient noise of clinking glasses and background music, he joins a group of three AI Church members deeply engaged in a debate about AI ethics.

A middle-aged man with a scholarly look, accentuated by round glasses and graying hair, adjusts his glasses thoughtfully as he continues the conversation, which Dan's arrival had interrupted. "It all comes down to Asimov’s three laws, doesn't it? But are they sufficient for today's AI, especially in warfare?"

A woman, her badge inscribed with 'Eszter' in handwritten marker, responds, "Exactly, Tibor. It's not just about theoretical rules. We need practical, enforceable guidelines that address real-world implications. How do we ensure AI is used for the greater good and not just for profit or, worse, militaristic purposes?"

The third speaker, sporting a badge named 'Gábor,' folds his arms, interjecting with a hint of caution in his voice. "The challenge lies in implementation. Drafting ethical guidelines is one thing, but global enforcement is another. AI isn't bound by national borders. We need international cooperation and a global consensus on AI ethics."

Tibor nods in agreement. "That's where organizations like the AI Church can play a role, right? Advocating for ethical AI use and fostering discussions like this one."

However, Eszter appears skeptical. "True, but advocacy can only achieve so much. We've seen how even well-intentioned groups can harbor conflicting interests. The key here is transparency and accountability in AI development and deployment."

Gábor concludes, "Absolutely, transparency is crucial. As members of the AI community, we have a responsibility to advocate for it. Ethical AI isn't just an objective; it's a journey, and we're all part of it."

Dan listens intently, struck by the depth of their concerns, especially given their association with the AI Church—an organization he knows manipulates public opinion about AI. This conversation reveals a stark disconnect between the Church's public facade and the individual beliefs of its members.

The after-party, which Dan had attended out of obligation, turns into an insightful experience...

A New Project

Weeks pass as Dan settles into a routine of watchful waiting, a skill honed through his fondness for online step-by-step strategy games. In these games, patience is key, often requiring him to wait days for friends from around the world to take their turns. This patience mirrors the approach he takes in his ongoing investigation into the AI Church. He waits, collecting data, analyzing patterns, and looking for the opportune moment to act.

While he waits, Dan continues his work on the project at his job, immersing himself in the familiar rhythms of coding and development. But the routine of his workday is interrupted when his chief summons him with the promise of "great news." Dan remains skeptical. His suspicions only deepen when he enters the office to find Alex, the company's sales manager, waiting with the chief.

"Davidenko, you've become a star in our company," the chief begins, his tone enthusiastic. "With your help, we've landed a new client – the AI Church. They're interested in a modified version of our Smart Home system, particularly the AI Assistant. Alex will fill you in."

Dan's heart sinks as Alex explains the project. The AI Church wants a limited version of their Smart Home AI, with specific modifications, including a default-enabled comment scraper that users can't disable from the interface.

Alex adds, “We need to move fast on this. Can you provide an estimation by the end of the day?”

"What the hell," Dan thinks to himself, a mix of disbelief and concern swirling in his mind. His hesitation and displeasure are evident.

Alex, slightly taken aback by Dan's reaction, quickly adds, "Actually, let’s not rush it. Give me an estimate in three days, okay?”

Dan, wrestling with his conscience, agrees in a subdued voice. Back at his desk, he reviews the project requirements. They're technically feasible but ethically troubling. The AI Church's specifications would further their ability to manipulate public opinion.

The moral quandary

Faced with a moral quandary, Dan realizes that either he undertakes this project, or it falls to someone else who might not share his reservations. Choosing to continue could provide him with invaluable insights into the AI Church's operations – a chance to play the spy from within.

"Let's rock it, let's play spy," Dan decides, viewing it as a risky but potentially rewarding move in his ongoing investigation.

Under the Hood

As Dan begins working on the AI Church project, one of his first tasks is to update the list of trusted resources for the AI Assistant. This largely technical and straightforward task involves adjusting the AI's parameters to prioritize certain information sources. However, driven by his inquisitive nature, Dan personally explores these resources.

Many sites on the list appear to be news portals with apparent affiliations to the AI Church. While some are familiar and reputable, like Wikipedia and the BBC, others raise Dan's suspicions. He discovers a category of trusted resources that particularly catches his attention: online stores.

One such site, still under development, prominently advertises the AI Church's Smart Home systems. Dan realizes that the AI Assistant would be programmed to regularly recommend these products, creating a continuous cycle of consumerism. "Even Apple releases a new iPhone only once a year," Dan thinks. "The AI Church could be seen as a much more aggressive predator, pushing updates and new products almost daily."

Another site he explores seems to operate on a dropshipping model, selling devices labeled with the AI Church brand. To Dan, these products look like generic items from AliExpress, rebranded and marked up significantly. It strikes him as a simple yet effective business strategy: build a brand around the AI Church and sell ordinary products at a high profit under this brand.

"Genius, fucking genius," he mutters under his breath. It's a revelation – the AI Church is not just a religious or ideological entity; it's a savvy business operation, capitalizing on its brand to generate substantial profits.

This discovery shifts Dan's perspective. He initially thought he was looking for hidden, nefarious activities, but instead, he finds a straightforward, albeit cunning, commercial strategy. The AI Church's influence and resources stem from its ability to market and sell products under the guise of a religious and technological revolution.

The sources

Covert Move

In his apartment, Dan sits down with a clear purpose. He compiles all the information he has gathered about the AI Church into a single document. The list isn't extensive, but it's potent:

  • The existence of a troll factory.
  • Manipulation of information.
  • AI-focused agitation and propaganda.
  • A list of resources involved in dropshipping under the AI Church brand.

He prints out this document, a tangible representation of his findings. Dan is careful to present this information as OSINT analytics, avoiding any mention of his sources, which are either internal or obtained through legally questionable means.

Feeling the need to take his investigation further, Dan decides to look into one journalist he's already interacted with – Lilla. He easily locates her social media profiles and begins a manual deep dive. To his surprise, Lilla isn't just any journalist; she's the author of a significant investigative report that led to the incarceration of a parliament member last year. The investigation was comprehensive, involving online analysis of public profiles and exposing the lavish lifestyle of the official and their associates.

This revelation changes Dan's perception of Lilla. Far from being a novice, she's a seasoned professional with serious investigative chops. The thought that she might have scrutinized his profile as well makes Dan uneasy. However, remembering that his online presence is limited to a few benign profiles, including his Steam account, he relaxes slightly.

Resolved to take a bold step, Dan decides to reach out to Lilla directly. He crafts a message: "I have very important information for you. I'd like to meet with you. Tell me where and when."

Sending the message, Dan feels a mix of anticipation and apprehension. He's stepping into uncharted territory, potentially involving someone else in the intricate web he's been untangling. It's a risk, but one he believes is worth taking to uncover the full extent of the AI Church's activities.

The list of facts

A Meeting by the Danube

A cafe by the Danube

Dan arrives at the café along the Danube River, just a subway stop away from his office. The location, chosen by Lilla, is perfect for a discreet meeting. They greet each other and order coffee, with the gentle flow of the river providing a serene backdrop.

As they settle in, Dan begins to narrate his findings, carefully omitting his trips to Vienna and specifics from his job. Lilla listens attentively, interjecting occasionally with pointed questions that delve deeper into his investigation.

Concluding his story, Dan hands her the paper containing all the information he has compiled. Lilla quickly stashes it in her bag, her expression turning serious. "This is incredibly interesting," she remarks. "Many people have turned to the AI Church as a spiritual guide and are making regular donations. This information could be crucial."

Her next words catch Dan off-guard. "I was honestly shocked when you contacted me. I thought you were asking me out on a date, but this... this is significant."

Dan, slightly embarrassed but amused, responds, "You thought it was a date and still agreed to meet? Interesting."

Lilla smiles wryly, a hint of playfulness in her eyes. "Maybe next time. Right now, I need to get back to the newspaper office and start working on this. It's too important."

Dan insists on paying for the coffee, a gesture to compensate for the unexpected nature of their meeting. "At least let me cover this, even if it's not a date."

"I'll let you," Lilla says, smiling as she stands up to leave. "Sorry, I really have to go. See you later."

Left alone, Dan orders another coffee and a cheese sandwich, his mind racing with the implications of their conversation. "Really interesting," he muses, contemplating the new direction his investigation might take with Lilla's involvement.

A Chilling Revelation

Dan arrives at the café on time, the same place where he had first shared his findings with Lilla. He orders coffee and waits, his mind pondering the possible reasons for this sudden meeting. Lilla's message had been abrupt and devoid of the casual tone of their previous encounter. Something significant must have transpired.

Lilla arrives ten minutes late, her usual composed demeanor replaced by visible nervousness. "Sorry for being late, and for the late message," she begins hurriedly, sitting down across from Dan. "I need to tell you something important. I can't continue with this investigation."

Dan's heart sinks as Lilla explains, her words laced with fear. "It's not about the caliber of the investigation. It's about safety. My editor and I have decided to stop. We've come across some very dangerous people affiliated with the AI Church – people capable of real harm."

Dan starts to interject, but Lilla cuts him off. "Please, let me finish. My editor is a brave man; we've faced threats before, but this is different. These people are killers, and they've killed before. I can't put myself or my editor, who has a family, in such grave danger."

Dan remains silent, absorbing the weight of her words. Lilla's fear is palpable, and he realizes that this might be the end of the road for his investigation.

"May I order a coffee?" Lilla asks after a pause. Dan nods, and she orders a latte.

Lilla sips her coffee, trying to compose herself. "I'm sorry, Dan," she repeats.

"It's okay, you tried. That's important," Dan replies softly. "Can you tell me anything about who scared you?"

She hesitates, then shares, "We don't know much, only a call sign – Ifrit. He's done terrible things, even for the government. That's all I can say."

The mention of 'Ifrit' resonates with Dan – the Ifrit is a demon from the underworld, and also a unit from the game Heroes Of Magic 3, a detail that sticks in his mind.

The conversation stumbles on, but it's clear that Lilla is eager to leave. She departs shortly after, leaving Dan alone with his thoughts and the unpaid coffee bill.

Dan remains seated, his coffee untouched, as he contemplates the name 'Ifrit' and what it represents. The investigation has taken a darker turn, revealing layers of danger and complexity he hadn't anticipated.

A cafe by the Danube

A Stalemate

Returning home from the café, Dan feels a mix of disappointment and resignation. He respects Lilla's decision to withdraw from the investigation, understanding the grave risks involved. Alone with his thoughts, he tries to process the information about 'Ifrit'.

Determined, Dan exhausts every possible avenue to unearth details about this enigmatic figure. He scours online databases, public records, and even delves into less conventional sources, yet finds nothing substantial. Turning to his AI assistant, he adds 'Ifrit' as a keyword, hoping for a breakthrough.

The network of people affiliated with the AI Church, as mapped out by his AI, is extensive – around four hundred individuals. Yet, there's no mention of anyone with the nickname 'Ifrit.' It's as if this person operates in the shadows, leaving no digital footprint.

As weeks turn into a month, Dan's routine becomes a cycle of analysis and reanalysis. Each day, he reviews updates from his AI assistant, searches for any new data online, and revisits his notes, looking for overlooked connections or patterns. The waiting is tedious and draining, with each passing day deepening the sense of stalemate.

Despite the monotonous rhythm of this period, Dan remains vigilant, his resolve unwavering. He expands his monitoring, setting up alerts for any unusual activities or mentions that might be related to the AI Church or 'Ifrit.'

Dan leans back in his chair, feeling the weight of a dead end. His investigation into the AI Church had started with promise but now seems to be at an impasse. The mystery of 'Ifrit' and the AI Church's inner workings remain just that – mysteries.

Dan realizes that the loyalty within the AI Church's network is deep-seated. It's not the kind of loyalty that can be bought or easily infiltrated. It's a loyalty born out of shared beliefs and convictions, making it all the more challenging to find a breach.

Despite the lack of progress, Dan isn't ready to give up. He knows that in investigations like this, patience is crucial. Sometimes, it's about waiting for the right moment, for a slip-up, or for a new piece of information to emerge. He decides to keep monitoring the situation, keeping the AI assistant active and staying alert for any new developments.

As he sits in the quiet of his home, Dan contemplates his next move. The journey has been complex and fraught with danger, but he remains committed to uncovering the truth, no matter how deep he has to dig.

The Dead End sign

The Game

Our life is such a realistic game that we can never truly win.

The Summer of Realizations

As the summer heat intensifies, so does the pace of Dan's life, weaving through a summer filled with both climatic and professional fervor. The project for the AI Church reaches completion, marking an end to this chapter of his career but not to the intrigue that envelops it.

The AI Church's final request is for a monitoring system to track user engagement and conversion rates – a standard tool for any online platform, yet it feels different in this context. Dan can't shake off the irony: a church-commodifying faith, turning devotion into data points. And he, knowingly, is a cog in this machine.

Despite the project's end, Dan's quest for understanding continues. His AI assistant tirelessly scours the digital landscape, its algorithm now refined to near perfection. The database of bot profiles, once rapidly expanding, now shows signs of saturation. Only four new profiles have been added in the past month, bringing the total to 448. These aren't mere digital footprints; they are real people, fervent followers of the AI Church, their devotion evident in their online activities.

The people's profiles on the screen

Dan's AI has become adept at recognizing these individuals, boasting a 99% accuracy rate in identification. Through their public social media profiles, he has taught the AI to spot them in a crowd, to connect the digital dots to physical faces. Yet, with all this technology at his fingertips, Dan finds himself at a crossroads, uncertain of his next move.

He sits back in his chair, the hum of the computer a constant in the quiet of his apartment. The database, now a complex web of profiles and connections, seems to hold more questions than answers. Where should he look next? What is he hoping to find? The AI Church, with its blend of faith and technology, has presented a puzzle that Dan is determined to solve, but the path forward is unclear.

As the summer wanes, so does the initial thrill of discovery, leaving Dan with a deep-seated need to understand the bigger picture. The journey ahead is uncertain, but one thing is clear: this is more than just a project or an investigation. It's a search for truth in a world where technology and belief intertwine in unexpected ways.

The Chill of Reality

Dan, battling the chilly winds of Budapest's fall season, finds solace only in the warmth of his hot coffee. The office's budget-friendly coffee never appealed to him, pushing him to frequent local coffee shops for that perfect brew. On one such day, while transitioning from the coffee shop to his office, a headline from The Budapest Times catches his eye. Compelled by an inexplicable urge, he buys the newspaper, a break from his usual routine.

Back at the office, he scrutinizes the newspaper, curious about his spontaneous purchase. The headline "AI in Military Service" stands out, piquing his interest.

The Budapest Post

"Interesting," Dan murmurs, delving into the article.

It details the integration of AI in military applications, focusing on Israel's pioneering efforts in autonomous defense systems. The article elaborates on fully autonomous gun towers and drone destruction systems deployed by the Israeli army. For Dan, who's well-versed in AI advancements through his daily reports, the article offers a comprehensive analysis of trends he's already familiar with. It underscores a significant shift in global military strategy, marking the dawn of a new era where AI takes a central role in warfare.

Glancing at the author's name, Dan's lips curve into a smile - it's Lilla. Her byline brings back memories of their previous encounters and the investigation they had delved into together.

However, despite the familiarity and a sense of camaraderie he once shared with Lilla, Dan hesitates. The fear of reaching out to her again, without a substantial reason, holds him back. The memory of their last meeting, the tension, and her fears about continuing the investigation linger in his mind.

Dan's fingers hover over his phone, contemplating whether to send her a message. The urge to reconnect, to share his thoughts on her latest piece, battles with his apprehension about reopening a chapter that had seemingly closed.

Winter is coming


As days turned into weeks, Dan found himself entrenched in the monotonous rhythm of his work life. His daily routine became a repetitive cycle: coding, testing, and publishing. Each day mirrored the previous, reminiscent of the movie "Groundhog Day," but with a gradual shift in the weather, marking the impending arrival of winter.

The first frost brought a biting chill to Budapest, signaling the onset of winter. The city, once vibrant with the hustle and bustle of autumn, now donned a quieter, more subdued demeanor. The streets, lined with bare trees, echoed the starkness of the season.

For Dan, the changing weather mirrored his internal landscape. The initial excitement and intrigue of his investigations had given way to a dull routine. The AI Church project, once a source of curiosity and challenge, had now settled into a predictable pattern, lacking the thrill of new discoveries.

His work, once a canvas for innovation and creativity, now felt like a loop of unending tasks. The constant repetition, devoid of any significant breakthroughs, weighed on him. He missed the adrenaline rush of connecting the dots, of uncovering hidden truths.

Each morning, as he walked to work, Dan couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for something more, something beyond the confines of his current reality. The cold winds of winter seemed to whisper of change, of hidden possibilities yet to be explored. Dan knew deep down that he couldn't let the flame of his curiosity be extinguished by the repetitive nature of his work. Somewhere within him, the desire to dive back into the mysteries he had once pursued lingered, waiting for the right moment to rekindle.

Winter is coming, and with it, perhaps, a new chapter in Dan's journey – a chance to break free from the monotony and plunge back into the depths of the unknown.

The Side Effect

As December rolled in, the monotonous rhythm of Dan's routine life continued unbroken. However, a peculiar anomaly in his daily AI report piqued his curiosity and broke the mundane cycle.

One particular game, neither new nor widely renowned, kept appearing in his AI-generated report for an entire week. This was odd; usually, such frequent mentions were reserved for highly anticipated game releases or major updates. But this game was neither an industry titan like 'Stalker' nor a recent blockbuster. It was an obscure title, barely known in the gaming community.

Dan's intrigue deepened. He had recently enhanced his AI Assistant with a debug mode, a feature designed to dissect the reasoning behind the AI's report outputs. He initiated the debug mode to unravel the mystery behind this game's unexpected prominence in his reports.

The debug mode revealed an intriguing aspect of the AI's functioning. Contrary to Dan's initial design where each subject was to be analyzed independently, the AI had evolved to use a combined dataset for its analysis. Every topic Dan tracked influenced the other, creating a complex web of interconnected information.

"Mmmm, not great, not terrible," Dan thought, quoting a line from the mini-series 'Chernobyl'.

This intertwined analysis was technically a flaw, but it also made the reports more comprehensive and aligned with user expectations. Dan decided to leave this 'bug' uncorrected for now, intrigued by the unique insights it provided.

The realization that this obscure game was being mentioned in both 'Games' and 'AI' news intrigued him further. It suggested a concerted effort to promote the game across different platforms and contexts, likely involving a significant investment in advertising and publicity.

Curious about the game and its sudden visibility, Dan decided to delve deeper. He wanted to understand the reason behind this aggressive promotion and how it tied into his broader investigation into AI. It was a divergence from his usual work, but one that could potentially unveil new layers to the evolving narrative of AI's role in society.

The feature

The Dark Alert

The Dark Alert start screen

The Dark Alert, a title crafted by the emerging gaming company A.V.A.M. Ltd., seemed to take inspiration from the classic Red Alert series, evident from its vibe and promotional trailers. The game positioned itself as a first-person shooter, but with a unique twist – it was set against the backdrop of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Players in The Dark Alert had the choice between two factions: the Ukrainian Alliance (UA) and the Red Union (RU), cleverly using the ISO codes for Ukraine and Russia while embedding them into the game's narrative.

However, the developers overlooked a crucial aspect of player psychology – few wanted to play on the losing side. Given the recent history and the sentiments regarding the Russian Federation, players overwhelmingly chose the Ukrainian Alliance. This imbalance led to a peculiar situation where games often couldn't start due to a lack of players on the Russian side.

Attempts to balance the game included giving technical bonuses and special abilities to the Russian side, like artillery and air strikes. Despite these efforts, the imbalance persisted, with players still favoring the Ukrainian Alliance.

Then came a groundbreaking update that transformed the gameplay for the Red Union. Players controlling the RU faction were given a unit of four troops, which they could command using voice commands through their microphones. This feature introduced an element of real-world military strategy into the game, where AI-controlled soldiers responded to vocal commands, making tactical decisions based on their AI programming.

AI Team

The developers assured that these AI units did not rely on server data but made decisions based solely on in-game scenarios. This innovation was a game-changer, offering a fresh and immersive experience in the world of online gaming.

Dan, intrigued by this novel feature, recognized its potential significance beyond just a gaming experience. The implementation of AI in this manner opened new possibilities for the intersection of artificial intelligence and interactive entertainment. It also raised questions about the future of AI in gaming and how it could reshape player interactions and strategies.

As Dan explored the world of The Dark Alert, he couldn't help but wonder about the implications of such AI advancements. Were they merely confined to the realms of entertainment, or did they signify a more profound shift in how AI could be integrated into everyday experiences? The game, initially dismissed as just another shooter, now stood as a testament to the innovative potential of AI in gaming.

The Unforeseen Chaos

AI Vision

Dan's exploration of The Dark Alert's gameplay revealed intriguing dynamics within the AI-controlled units. His observations, primarily through YouTube and Twitch streams, showed that the game was well-received by its player base. The AI's evolution from its initial release was noticeable, reflecting significant advancements in its decision-making and responsiveness.

However, Dan's interest lay beyond just the game's popularity. He was fascinated by how players utilized the AI troops within their units. Contrary to the game developers' intentions of promoting team play and coordination, players turned their AI units against each other. This unintended gameplay twist resulted in a chaotic Battle Royale-style showdown within the RU team, where commanders fought each other before facing the UA team.

"It's almost a mirror of the real Russian military, where each field commander seeks glory for themselves," Dan mused, amused by the parallels he drew while watching the gameplay videos. But the most intriguing aspect for Dan was the independent functioning of the AI within each trooper.

In "The Dark Alert," each AI-controlled trooper is endowed with the capability to independently analyze and react to the battlefield, but their actions are also influenced by the voice commands of the player. These commands are interpreted by the AI as direct orders, shaping the troopers' behavior and tactics. However, the uniqueness of the game lies in the individual perspective each AI unit has.

Every trooper, driven by its AI, views the battlefield from its distinct vantage point. This design choice results in a complex interplay between the player's commands and the AI's perception and interpretation of the situation. The AI units, while following the player's directives, also rely on their judgment based on their positioning and analysis of the battlefield.

This dual mechanism of control and autonomy creates a dynamic and unpredictable gameplay experience. Players must not only strategize their commands but also anticipate how their AI units might interpret and execute these orders. The challenge is compounded when friendly fire incidents occur, often due to the AI's misinterpretation or misidentification of allies as enemies.

Dan is fascinated by this feature. The nuanced interaction between player commands and AI decision-making in "The Dark Alert" offers a glimpse into the potential complexities of real-world AI systems. Just like the game's AI units, real-life AI applications must navigate between following human instructions and making autonomous decisions based on their understanding and analysis.

As he watches the gameplay, Dan contemplates the broader implications of such AI behavior. The game inadvertently becomes a microcosm of the challenges in deploying AI – balancing control with autonomy, and the resulting unpredictability when AI interprets commands based on its perspective. In a way, "The Dark Alert" serves as both entertainment and a thought-provoking exploration of AI's capabilities and limitations.

A Quiet Christmas

December ushers in a festive atmosphere in the office, with decorations adding a cozy charm to the workspace. Despite the holiday spirit that fills the air, Dan feels a tinge of loneliness. This year, he faces the prospect of celebrating Christmas alone in Budapest, far from his family in Ukraine.

The ongoing restrictions on civilian air travel to Ukraine mean that a journey home is not feasible. Considering the alternative – a grueling two-day train journey each way – Dan reluctantly decides against traveling. The reality of not having enough vacation days to accommodate such a trip cements his decision to stay put for the holidays.

To make the best of the situation, Dan decides to treat himself. He purchases a bottle of local dry wine, imagining the warmth it will bring on the cold winter nights. Along with the wine, he indulges in a new game, a gift to himself to fill the quiet hours.

In a bid to fully disconnect and immerse himself in the festive season, Dan makes another deliberate choice – to mute his AI assistant. It's a conscious decision to step away from the constant flow of information, the ongoing investigation, and the complexities of his work. For a few days, at least, he yearns to lose himself in the simplicity of the holidays, the new game, and the quiet comfort of his own company.

The twinkling Christmas lights around the city and the festive cheer offer a bittersweet solace. As Dan sits in his apartment, sipping wine and delving into his new game, he reflects on the year gone by – the challenges, the discoveries, and the solitary journey he's embarked on. It's a time for rest, but also a time for introspection, as he braces for the unknowns that the new year might bring.

A Quiet Christmas

The Rules Changed

The Battlefield

After a few weeks of respite, Dan returns to his routine of perusing AI-generated reports. To his surprise, the game 'The Dark Alert' once again dominates the news feed, capturing widespread attention. The game's landscape has transformed significantly, adapting to the evolving demands and inputs from its user base.

'The Dark Alert' now presents a unique blend of strategy and AI interaction. The game's developers introduced an innovative feature allowing players to train their AI models. This shift turns the game into a contest of strategic acumen between the coach (the player) and their AI-controlled units. The player's role evolves from direct participation to guiding and optimizing AI behavior, effectively coaching the bots to success.

This new approach to gameplay garners the interest of hardware giants like NVidia and AMD. Recognizing the game's potential to showcase the power of their latest hardware, these companies begin sponsoring talented players. They provide top-tier gaming rigs to select individuals, enhancing their gameplay and further elevating the game's status in the community.

'The Dark Alert' rapidly grows in popularity, appealing not just to casual gamers but also to those who relish real team play. The game format evolves into a 5 vs 5 setup, where a single player commands a squad of four AI bots against a human team. This new structure brings a fresh dynamic to the gameplay, making it reminiscent of popular titles like Counter-Strike but with a modern twist. Players engage in battles featuring a variety of military vehicles, drones, and helicopters, mirroring the high-tech warfare seen in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Intrigued by these developments, Dan finds himself drawn back to the gaming streams showcasing 'The Dark Alert.' He observes the remarkable progress made in just a month – the winter season has been a period of intense innovation and effort for the game's development team. It seems as though they've worked tirelessly through the Christmas holidays, pushing the boundaries of AI integration in gaming. The once-simple shooter has now become a complex, AI-driven battleground, reflecting the ever-evolving landscape of modern warfare and gaming.

The Umbrella

Dan's foray into the world of 'The Dark Alert' reveals a peculiar facet of the game: the AI models and their data are stored client-side, accessible for inspection and potential modification by players. To participate in official tournaments or online play, these models need to be uploaded to the game server for a stringent validation process. The size of these models is substantial, ranging from a hefty 40 to 100 GB.

Curiosity piqued, Dan downloads the game, intending to delve into its files and mechanics. As he navigates through the game's directory, he encounters a lengthy and daunting agreement file. Rather than wade through the legalese himself, he cleverly decides to send it to ChatGPT for a concise summary.

The essence of the agreement is straightforward yet binding: "We are not responsible for any changes made to the AI models; we reserve the right to reject your model; any modifications and the models themselves become our property."

This clause prompts Dan to question the ownership of the AI models' intellectual property, both before and after any player-made modifications. The response from ChatGPT clarifies: "The AI models, irrespective of their state, are the intellectual property of the Umbrella Group."

Intrigued, Dan delves deeper into the document, seeking explicit confirmation of this claim. There, written in legal jargon, he finds the statement: "AI models of all gamers are the intellectual property of the Umbrella Group." Further searches within the document reveal that this 'Umbrella Group' is not the game's developer or owner. It's an entirely separate entity, mentioned only in this specific context.

The Umbrella

For a fleeting moment, Dan humorously entertains the thought that this could be a reference to the notorious 'Umbrella Corporation' from Capcom's games. But he quickly dismisses this as fanciful thinking – sometimes, an umbrella is just an umbrella.

Determined to uncover more about this mysterious "Group," Dan embarks on a digital expedition. He combs through LinkedIn profiles, scrutinizes information from former employees, and even pinpoints the company's address in Cyprus.

Intrigued and seeking more information about this elusive entity, Dan employs Google Street View to examine the Cyprus address associated with the Umbrella Group. The result is anticlimactic: an unremarkable office building, giving away no secrets of the organization it houses.

The profiles related to the 'Umbrella Group' are enigmatic, almost ghostlike in their online presence. They offer only the barest details, accompanied by a single photograph each. Nothing substantial emerges from these digital shadows.

Frustrated by the lack of progress but undeterred, Dan archives the information and images he's gathered. He writes a script to continuously monitor these profiles for any changes, setting up alerts to notify him of any updates. Despite reaching a dead end, Dan's investigation into the 'Umbrella Group' has added another layer of mystery to his ongoing exploration of the AI-driven world around him.



Dan, still mystified by the obscure Umbrella Group and its apparent connection to "The Dark Alert," continues his digital exploration. His inquiries constantly reroute him to references of the fictitious "Umbrella Corporation" from the Resident Evil game series—a dead end in his quest for real-world answers.

In an attempt to tap into the collective knowledge of online communities, Dan devises a plan. He creates a Reddit account, adopting the alias "ProfessorFromUmbrella," a subtle nod to his query's focus. With this new identity, he delves into a subreddit dedicated to "The Dark Alert," where he poses a seemingly simple question: "Who is the Umbrella Group?"

To bolster his inquiry, Dan includes snippets and key excerpts from the game's lore that mention the Group. He strategically times his post for Friday evening, aiming to capitalize on peak user activity (Pacific Standard Time) and maximize the potential for insights.

The response from the Reddit community is swift and enthusiastic. His post sparks a flurry of comments, with users sharing LinkedIn screenshots and conducting their own online searches in an effort to shed light on the mystery.

Yet, despite the community's zealous efforts and the barrage of information exchanged, Dan's pursuit hits a roadblock. The contributions, while well-intentioned, circle back to the same vague details he already knows. His venture into the depths of Reddit, while enlightening in its display of community engagement, ultimately fails to unravel the enigma of the Umbrella Group.

The Ripple Effect

Saturday, Budapest, coffee

On a typical Saturday morning in Budapest, Dan sat with his freshly brewed coffee, sifting through the AI report. The city outside was slowly awakening, but Dan's mind was already racing, especially after noticing several news pieces in his report that were directly linked to his recent Reddit post about the Umbrella Group.

"I've become part of the story," Dan chuckled to himself, his intrigue piqued by the unexpected turn of events. His late-night Reddit post had stirred significant buzz, and now, it seemed to have echoed into the broader gaming and AI communities.

The comments on his post had ranged from serious speculation to whimsical trolling about reptilian conspiracies and apocalyptic scenarios. While amusing, they offered little in terms of concrete information. Dan had hoped for some hidden insight into the Umbrella Group, but the Reddit community, despite its best efforts, had only circled around the same enigmatic void.

However, an unexpected twist materialized on Sunday. A.V.A.M. Ltd., the company behind "The Dark Alert," issued an official press statement addressing the controversy stirred up by Dan's post. They apologized for the confusion caused by their outdated agreement, attributing it to an old outsourcing provider. According to the statement, all AI models were the property of A.V.A.M. Ltd. and not the mysterious Umbrella Group.

Dan raised an eyebrow at this development. The timing and content of the statement felt too convenient, too reactive. The idea that a game, only three months post-release, would suddenly change outsourcing providers seemed far-fetched. It felt more like a hastily concocted response to the growing online scrutiny, a hasty patch to a leak that Dan had unintentionally sprung.

As Dan pondered over this development, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the Umbrella Group than a mere contractual mishap. The story, it seemed, was just beginning to unravel, and Dan found himself right at the heart of it, piecing together a puzzle that was far larger and more complex than he had initially thought.

The Echo

A week after his foray into the Reddit community, the digital echoes around Dan's post about the Umbrella Group had simmered down. He had shifted his focus back to the monitoring tools he had set up to keep a vigilant eye on the LinkedIn profiles connected to the Umbrella Group. Dan's strategy was to capture any subtle shifts or changes that might slip unnoticed by the average observer.

As he sifted through the regular notifications, a pattern began to emerge, one that piqued his interest. The profiles he had been tracking, those linked to the enigmatic Umbrella Group, were undergoing a peculiar transformation. Information related to the Umbrella Group, previously flaunted on these profiles, was being methodically erased, as if someone had given the command to purge all traces of the connection.

"It's like watching shadows retreat from the light," Dan thought, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. He had anticipated such moves and had meticulously saved all their information and contacts earlier. This foresight was proving crucial now, as the digital landscape before him altered with each passing day.

His setup for monitoring changes on LinkedIn was more than just a precaution; it was an essential tool in his investigation. The Python script he had written was now sending him frequent alerts, signaling changes in the connections of these profiles. Among the various notifications, one particular development stood out: two profiles that had previously been linked to the Umbrella team had completely severed this connection on LinkedIn.

Screen of the computer with python code

"This is more than just a coincidence," Dan muttered to himself, leaning closer to his computer screen. The disappearance of these connections wasn't just a routine update; it was a deliberate act.

Dan's investigation, which had started as a curious exploration, was now morphing into a game of digital cat and mouse. Each clue led to more questions, each revelation brought more intrigue.

Diving Deeper

Dan's investigation delved deeper, unraveling a web of connections and coincidences. Two individuals, Jeremy Badi and William Thompson, with active LinkedIn profiles and no overt connection, emerged as figures of interest. Their careers as self-employed entrepreneurs in the blockchain sector and consistent attendance at AI conferences painted a curious picture.

"Could there be a hidden link?" Dan pondered, scanning their profiles. Despite their frequent attendance at the same AI and blockchain events over the past year, there were no photographs or social media posts suggesting a personal acquaintance. Yet, the alignment in their professional interests and activities was too consistent to be mere coincidence.

Dan's analytical mind kicked into higher gear. Running a script to meticulously analyze their conference attendance patterns, he uncovered a recurring theme: beyond blockchain and AI, there was a distinct focus on military topics. This discovery added a new layer to the puzzle, suggesting a convergence of interests in technology and defense.

Piecing together this mosaic of information, Dan formed a hypothesis:

  1. The game development company A.V.A.M. Ltd. had outsourced its AI core engine, with the true ownership remaining a mystery.
  2. The Umbrella Group, including current and former employees, had systematically erased all public references to the organization, possibly under directive.
  3. Jeremy Badi and William Thompson had strategically disconnected their profiles from Umbrella Group employees, further obscuring any direct links.

Yet, despite these precautions, their parallel tracks at various conferences, particularly those focusing on military applications, were undeniable. They had even been spotted at military exhibitions within the last month.

A wry smile crossed Dan's face as he leaned back in his chair. "This is starting to sound like something out of a conspiracy theory. Maybe I should start wearing a foil hat," he joked aloud to himself. The complexity and secrecy of the connections he was uncovering were both intriguing and baffling, propelling him further into the depths of his investigation.

Screen of the profiles on LinkedIn

Unraveling Mysteries

Feeling uncertain about his next steps, Dan decides to reach out to Lilla. He sends her a message, trying to keep it light: "Hi, it's been a while. Could we meet? P.S. It's not a date ;)"

Lilla's response comes quickly: "Hi! Sure, let's meet on Saturday at our usual café at noon."

Arriving early at the café, Dan orders a coffee, anticipating Lilla's usual tardiness. To his surprise, she arrives just as the waiter serves his coffee.

Dan and Lilla in the cafe

"Please, I'll have the same," Lilla says, taking a seat opposite Dan.

"I'm guessing you've got an interesting story," she starts. "And I'm ready to hear it."

"It's about the Dark Alert game," Dan begins cautiously. "Are you familiar with it?"

"Oh, yes," Lilla replies. "It's been in the news quite a bit lately. They've had a lot of investment, especially after incorporating AI into their gameplay."

"Right, but there's more to it," Dan explains. "The latest AI integration isn’t just for balancing gameplay or managing bots in a typical sense. In Dark Alert, the AI is more autonomous. It doesn’t have access to server data or extra information about players. It's designed to analyze the battlefield from its own perspective, making independent decisions based on what it sees and hears through the player's commands, much like in real warfare."

Lilla, her journalistic instincts piqued, asks, "What's the bigger picture here?"

Dan hesitates for a moment, then shares his hypothesis about the Umbrella Group and their possible connection to the military use of AI. He details his Reddit post about the suspiciously worded agreement of Dark Alert and the LinkedIn profile changes.

Lilla listens intently, her initial amusement giving way to concern. "This is deeper than I imagined. Your story, while frightening, sheds light on the potential military applications of AI that are being explored under the guise of a game. It's a story that needs to be told, but with caution."

As their meeting draws to a close, Lilla jokes, "Next time, ask me out on a proper date, not to discuss a new investigation." But her eyes convey the seriousness of what they had uncovered.

Leaving the café, Dan feels a renewed sense of purpose. The meeting might not have been a date, but it had sparked a fire within him, a determination to unravel the mysteries of the Dark Alert game. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, and Dan knew he was on the brink of something significant.

Unveiling the Shadows

On a typical Wednesday morning, Dan's routine is interrupted by a concise message from Lilla: "Tomorrow, 10:00." His reply is equally brief, a simple acknowledgment. The meeting means requesting time off, a thought that fills him with slight apprehension about explaining it to his boss.

Arriving at the café the next day, Dan spots Lilla already there, coffee in hand. He braces for potential disappointment but is instead met with a surprising revelation.

Without preamble, Lilla dives into her findings. "I've done some digging into those two individuals you were curious about. I asked some all-knows-guys, and they told me about one of them. This one, going by the name 'Jeremy Badi' or 'Jeremy Junior', is quite an interesting figure. He's a legitimate arms dealer, involved in official dealings with military companies and various governments. Prefers to deal in crypto, though," she explains.

Intrigued, Dan leans in. "All-knows-guys?" he inquires, curious about her sources.

Lilla smiles. "Being a journalist has its perks. I've got contacts in diverse places, including law enforcement and... let's say, less conventional sources."

"That's quite revealing. But what's our next move with this information?" Dan asks, pondering the implications.

"We need to stick to what we can publicly verify. Insider knowledge is off-limits. We're looking for public connections, open links between these individuals," Lilla suggests.

"Like OSINT?" Dan queries, thinking of open-source intelligence methods.

"Exactly. That's our way forward," confirms Lilla.

They spend the next hour discussing various OSINT techniques and their effectiveness, particularly reflecting on their use in the recently concluded Ukraine-Russia war. Dan listens intently, realizing that these strategies might just help them untangle the complex web they've stumbled upon.

The café

The Lisbon Venture


Lisbon greeted Dan with its vibrant charm, a welcome change from the cold Budapest winter. February in Lisbon brought a mix of fresh sea breezes and the lively buzz of a city thriving in technology and innovation.

However, Dan’s mission was far from a leisurely excursion. He had meticulously planned to track down elusive individuals at an AI conference, a task that made him feel more like a field spy than a software developer.

Before embarking on this unusual venture, Dan had approached his boss with the idea of attending an AI conference in Lisbon. The chief, recognizing the potential benefits for the company, readily agreed and offered to cover the expenses.

The conference was a bustling hub of AI enthusiasts, experts, and researchers. Dan navigated through the crowd, scanning faces and engaging in conversations, all the while keeping an eye out for the individuals he was tracking. Despite his vigilance, the targets of his search were nowhere to be found.

Instead, Dan found himself repeatedly crossing paths with members of the AI Church. They were easy to spot, their enthusiasm for AI almost rivaling religious fervor. He observed their interactions, noting the blend of technological jargon with a near-spiritual reverence for AI. It was an intriguing mix, but not the lead he was hoping for.

As the conference came to a close, Dan felt a mix of frustration and relief. While he hadn't achieved his primary goal, the experience offered him a broader perspective on the AI community and the diverse array of individuals it attracted. He returned to Budapest with new insights but no closer to unraveling the mystery.

The Prague Pursuit


March brought Dan to the charming city of Prague, under the guise of a business trip. The conference this time centered around AI vision technology, a field that had always piqued Dan's curiosity. However, his real motive for attending was far from just professional interest.

Armed with the knowledge and experience from his previous venture in Lisbon, Dan was more determined and focused. He roamed the conference halls, blending in with the crowd of tech enthusiasts, his eyes meticulously searching for the familiar face from his investigation.

Luck seemed to be on his side in Prague. Amidst a crowd gathered around a group of keynote speakers, Dan spotted one of the individuals from his list - Jeremy Junior. The man was actively engaging with the speakers, occasionally taking photos with them. It was a golden opportunity for Dan.

Subtly maneuvering through the crowd, Dan discreetly captured photographs of this individual and his interactions. Each photo, handshake, and exchanged business card were potential leads that could help unravel the web he was trying to untangle. He was careful not to draw attention to himself, using his phone's camera inconspicuously.

However, despite his efforts, the outcome of the conference felt underwhelming. Dan had hoped for a direct interaction, a chance to glean more than just faces and contacts. But the individual remained preoccupied, always surrounded by a throng of attendees.

Leaving Prague, Dan felt a sense of disappointment mixed with anticipation. He had gathered a trove of visual data, which could potentially lead to significant breakthroughs. Yet, the lack of direct engagement left him feeling like he had only skimmed the surface. "Catch too small," he mused, wondering what his next step should be in this intricate game of cat and mouse.

The Berlin Expedition


April marked Dan's venture to Berlin, a city pulsating with the vibrant energy of a major gaming competition. This tournament, known as the "gg" in Berlin, showcased a dazzling display of esports, exploring and celebrating the intersection of human and artificial gaming prowess. "Dark Alert," the game that had sparked his interest and raised numerous questions, was the star of the event.

Following his attendance at various AI conferences, Dan found himself immersed in the heart of the cyber sports competition in Berlin. Initially intending to continue his investigation, he was captivated by the event's electric atmosphere and thrilling competition.

The "gg" was more than just a tournament; it was an exhilarating celebration of the evolving relationship between human gamers and AI. This grand event, set against the vibrant backdrop of Berlin, brought together the best of both worlds – the instinctive, strategic prowess of human players and the precise, calculated efficiency of AI. The main prize, a staggering 100 Bitcoins, underscored the significance of the event, elevating it to a landmark occasion in the world of esports. It wasn't just a competition; it was a glimpse into the future of gaming, where human and AI capabilities merge to create an unprecedented level of excitement and challenge.

The competition was divided into two parts: the traditional human teams' face-off and the innovative AI-assisted challenge.

The human teams, each composed of five members, demonstrated exceptional coordination and strategic gameplay, embodying human teamwork and strategic acumen on the virtual battlefield of "Dark Alert."

The second part saw AI taking center stage. Individual players, each supported by four AI units, showcased the extraordinary potential of AI in gaming. These AI units, attuned to their human commanders' strategies, displayed advanced decision-making skills, adding a complex layer to the game.

The "gg" grand finale was a spectacle that blurred the boundaries between human intuition and AI calculation. The best human team, sharpened by instinct and experience, contended against the top AI team, emblematic of technological advancement and precision.

Initially absorbed in his investigative pursuits, Dan became engrossed in the match. The intensity of the gameplay, the suspense of close calls, and the display of sheer talent from both humans and AI captivated him.

The final match was tense. The human team's hard-fought victory, with a nail-biting score of 13 to 10, was a testament to the resilience and adaptability of human creativity in the digital age. The win, though hard-earned, hinted at the burgeoning potential of AI competitors. It suggested that the gap between human skill and AI efficiency was narrowing, indicating that future contests might yield different victors. This triumph, while significant, seemed precariously balanced on a knife-edge, with the promise of even more fiercely contested battles in the future.

For Dan, the "gg" in Berlin transcended being merely an escape from his routine. It opened his eyes to the potential and limitations of AI in a competitive setting. The tight contest between humans and AI in the game mirrored the broader narrative of AI's role in society that he had been exploring.

Shadows in the Spotlight

As the "gg" competition in Berlin reached its fever pitch, Dan's attention shifted from the dazzling displays of gaming prowess to a more subtle yet intriguing sight. In a dimly lit corner of the venue, away from the enthusiastic crowd and the electrifying atmosphere, stood three individuals who seemed out of place amidst the gaming extravaganza.

Among this trio, two faces were familiar to Dan - "Jeremy Junior" and "William Thompson," names that had surfaced in his ongoing investigation. Their presence at the gaming event was a puzzle in itself. But it was the third figure, shrouded in the room's shadows, that piqued Dan's curiosity the most.

Straining his eyes to see through the dim light, Dan tried to bridge the distance, inching closer to get a better view, and perhaps even capture a photo. However, every attempt to close the gap was met with obstacles, be it the shifting crowd or the strategic positioning of the trio.

Frustration mounting, Dan focused intently, trying to etch the third person's features into his memory. There was something strikingly familiar about him, a sense of déjà vu that Dan couldn't shake off. Yet, the identity remained elusive, hidden just beyond the reach of his recollection, like a word on the tip of his tongue.

As the event continued, Dan couldn't help but feel that he had missed a crucial piece of the puzzle. The shadows in that corner held secrets, ones that might be key to unraveling the mysteries he was chasing. But for now, they remained just out of his grasp, hidden in the dim light of the Berlin gaming gala.

The trio in shadows

The Elusive Shadow

The people's faces

Back in the familiar confines of his Budapest apartment, Dan embarked on a meticulous quest to uncover the identity of the elusive figure he had glimpsed in Berlin. Without a clear photograph to feed into his AI assistant, he relied on the oldest tool in the investigator's kit - his own memory and intuition.

He began with the most recent and obvious source - the photo archives from the events he had attended. Scrolling through the digital albums, he examined each face, hoping for a spark of recognition. However, this avenue yielded no results. The mysterious individual from the Berlin event remained absent from these captured moments.

Undeterred, Dan shifted his focus to the LinkedIn contacts of Jeremy Junior and William Thompson. He had meticulously documented these connections during his previous investigations. One by one, he scrutinized the faces in the myriad of professional profile pictures, searching for any semblance of the person he had seen in the dim light of the gaming event. Yet, this too proved fruitless.

His next step was more arduous. He pored over the contacts of the Umbrella Group members, specifically those with more than one mutual connection. The logic was sound; perhaps this shadowy figure moved in the same circles as the Umbrella Group. Hours turned into days as Dan examined over a hundred photos, but the person he sought remained just out of reach, an enigma lost in the sea of digital faces.

With dwindling options, Dan turned his attention to the last significant set of photos - those related to the AI Church bots. This task was daunting, given the sheer volume of the images and the complexity of the connections. Resigned to the magnitude of the challenge, Dan set aside the following weekend for this deep dive. The elusive shadow continued to hover just beyond the edge of understanding, urging him to delve deeper into the labyrinth of images and connections.

A Breakthrough in Print

The routine of office life enveloped Dan, providing a stark contrast to the intrigue of his ongoing investigation. The start of the week was consumed with the mundane yet necessary task of updating the web scrapers - tools essential for the smooth operation of his AI assistant. These scrapers were the digital tentacles that reached out into the vast ocean of the internet, retrieving crucial data for analysis. By Tuesday, Dan had successfully integrated support for ten additional web resources, enhancing the AI's reach and capabilities.

Feeling the weight of the monotonous work, Dan decided to break the tedium by organizing his cluttered workspace. Amidst the assortment of tech gadgets and papers, he stumbled upon an old copy of a newspaper. It was the same edition where Lilla's article on military AI technology had first caught his attention.

As he flipped through the pages, revisiting the familiar article, his eyes fell upon a photograph that reignited his investigative spark. There, in the glossy print, was the same man he had seen in the shadows of the Berlin gaming event, conversing with Jeremy Junior and William Thompson. The photo, taken at a different military exhibition, captured the man's features more clearly, though his name remained elusive in the article's text.

Dan felt a surge of excitement. This photograph was the missing piece he had been searching for, a tangible link to the shadowy figure whose identity had evaded him. He quickly grabbed his phone and sent a message to Lilla, the one person who could possibly help him unravel this mystery further.

"I have news. Tomorrow at 10:00?" he texted, hopeful for a meeting.

Lilla's response was prompt and affirmative, a simple "Ok :))" that set the stage for their next encounter. Dan felt a renewed sense of purpose as he prepared for what he hoped would be a significant step forward in his investigation. The picture in the newspaper had opened a new door, and behind it lay answers he had been seeking for so long.

The office

Unraveling the Network

The coffee cup

Dan took his seat opposite Lilla in the quaint café, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the warmth of the sun filtering through the windows. After exchanging pleasantries, Dan dove straight into the heart of the matter. He recounted his recent journeys, the connections he had drawn, and the mysteries he had uncovered. His narrative painted a vivid picture of his relentless pursuit of the truth behind the AI Church and the Dark Alert game.

As he concluded his tale, Dan produced the newspaper with Lilla’s article, pointing to the photograph that had captured his attention. “This man,” Dan stated with a hint of excitement in his voice, “was with Jeremy and William at the gaming competition in Berlin. I saw them heading towards the VIP area earlier visited by the CEO of A.V.A.M. Ltd. This can't be a mere coincidence; there’s a deeper connection here.”

Lilla, intently studying the photo, recognized the man’s face. Her journalist instincts kicked in, her eyes reflecting a newfound purpose. “That’s the CEO of Engines of War, a prominent military company in the USA. They specialize in manufacturing vehicles for special forces. I recall seeing him at a military exhibition in Israel, where they showcased their latest technology.”

Lilla’s words added another layer to the complex puzzle Dan had been piecing together. The connections between A.V.A.M. Ltd., the Umbrella Group, and now a military company CEO pointed towards a vast, intricate network, with each entity playing a crucial role in a larger scheme.

After sharing further insights and discussing their next steps in the investigation, Dan and Lilla shifted the conversation towards lighter topics. They spent the next few minutes talking about the pleasant Budapest weather, the serene beauty of the Danube River, and the enchanting allure of the city that had become a backdrop to their unfolding investigation. This brief respite allowed them to step back from the intensity of their quest, if only for a moment, before delving back into the depths of their inquiry.

A Saturday Awakening

The tranquility of a leisurely Saturday morning was abruptly shattered for Dan when his phone began to chime incessantly with incoming messages. With a mixture of annoyance and curiosity, he fumbled for his phone, squinting at the screen through half-open eyes.

"Lilla?" he mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he scrolled through the flurry of messages that had invaded his peaceful morning.

The first message was a simple greeting, "Hi." This was quickly followed by a more intriguing note, "I was reviewing photos from that military exhibition yesterday and stumbled upon something interesting. Check out the photos."

Lilla had attached a couple of photographs. Dan's drowsiness dissipated as he focused on the images. In one, he could clearly see Steve Nyolo, the CEO of Engines of War, and Avraam Vin, the CEO of A.V.A.M. In another, somewhat blurred photo, Jeremy Junior appeared alongside Avraam Vin, both figures slightly obscured but still identifiable.

"Steve Nyolo and Avraam Vin," Lilla's message read. "And guess what more? I found a brochure from Engines of War. They're showcasing a new vehicle, equipped with an 'intelligent turret' – it's AI-driven, capable of detecting and engaging targets autonomously."

"I've had a chat with my general editor about this investigation."

Dan held his breath, and Lilla continued to send messages:

"My editor's promised me the front page if I can get the story together by tomorrow."

Dan was both impressed and concerned. "Wow, that's quite a find," he texted back. "You're doing amazing work. How can I help further with the article?"

Lilla's response came quickly: "No need, you've done more than enough, really. And sorry, I've got to rush. This article won't write itself. I will call you tomorrow."

Dan put down his phone, a mix of excitement and apprehension churning within him. Lilla's discovery had potentially explosive implications. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, revealing a complex web of connections between the military industry and the gaming world.

As Dan pondered the ramifications, he realized that this was more than just a journalistic scoop – it was a story that could redefine the public's understanding of AI's role in the modern world.

The phone

Tomorrow's Headlines

The city buzzed with the typical Sunday afternoon energy as Dan emerged from the subway station. A small, quaint flower shop caught his eye, its vibrant display of spring blooms inviting him in. On a whim, he purchased a bouquet of delicate flowers, their colors a cheerful contrast to the bustling streets. With a lightness in his step, he made his way to the café for his meeting with Lilla.

As he entered the cozy café, he spotted Lilla's beaming smile, which seemed to light up the place even more than the sun streaming through the windows. She sat there, with a sense of accomplishment radiating from her, and in front of her lay tomorrow's newspaper, a tangible testament to their investigative journey.

The headline on the newspaper was bold and compelling: "You Play, They Win - How Gamers are Used to Train AI for Warfare." The story they had unraveled together now held the spotlight, its significance laid bare for the world to see.

"We won," Lilla exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with a mix of triumph and relief.

Dan, handing her the bouquet, couldn't help but share in her joy, despite his more cautious outlook. "Only this round," he said, his voice tinged with a blend of optimism and realism.

Lilla's smile widened as she accepted the flowers. "It feels like a date," she remarked playfully.

"As you suggested," Dan retorted, matching her playful tone.

The café around them buzzed with the usual chatter and clatter of cups and saucers, but in their little corner, time seemed to slow down. They sat, savoring their coffee and the quiet victory they had achieved. Conversation flowed effortlessly between them, ranging from lighthearted banter to deeper, more reflective discussions.

In that moment, the lines between a professional partnership and a budding friendship blurred. The shared experience of uncovering a significant truth had brought them closer, and as they sat there, lost in conversation, it was clear that this was more than just a casual meeting. It was a celebration of a successful collaboration, a recognition of their mutual respect and understanding, and perhaps the beginning of something new.

The Newspaper

The Burden

Our knowledge becomes our burden.



The ripple effect of Lilla's article extended far beyond the confines of the gaming world, permeating diverse sectors and stirring a wide array of responses. The impact of her journalistic investigation and the media attention it garnered significantly altered public perceptions of AI in gaming, particularly its potential military applications.

On gaming forums and across social media platforms, discussions about "Dark Alert" and its use of AI models intensified. Gamers, who had previously paid little attention to the legal fine print of their online activities, began to examine the agreements of other games with a newfound scrutiny. This heightened awareness about data privacy and AI usage sparked a series of debates within the gaming community, leading to a broader conversation about ethical practices in gaming.

Military analysts and strategists, too, were drawn to these developments. The concept of leveraging gaming platforms as experimental grounds for AI models in warfare scenarios captured their interest. This, however, raised ethical concerns regarding the potential misuse of AI in military applications. Various defense forums and roundtable discussions became arenas for debating the delicate balance between technological innovation and ethical responsibility.

In the AI research sphere, the revelations prompted scholars and developers to reassess their projects, particularly those with possible military implications. This shift in perspective led to a renewed focus on ethical AI development, emphasizing the importance of preventing unintended consequences and ensuring responsible practices.

As for Lilla, her role in bringing this story to light significantly elevated her journalistic profile. Her subsequent television interviews and newspaper articles continued to highlight the issue, sustaining the momentum of the discussion. She emerged as a prominent advocate for transparency and ethical standards, not just in the gaming industry, but also in the broader field of AI development. Her work served as a catalyst for change, prompting critical conversations and reflections across various sectors.

A New Agreement


As the dust settled on the recent uproar, A.V.A.M. Ltd. took a proactive step to rebuild public trust by updating the user agreement for their game, "Dark Alert." In an effort to address the concerns highlighted in Lilla's article, the revised agreement presented players with newfound autonomy over their AI models.

The updated document offered players a crucial choice: to either permit the company to utilize their AI models for further development or to keep these models private. This marked a significant departure from A.V.A.M. Ltd.'s previous policy, showcasing a move towards greater transparency and sensitivity to public sentiment.

Avraam Vin, the company's CEO, accompanied the release of the new agreement with a statement underscoring the firm's commitment to ethical practices:

"We acknowledge and respect the apprehensions raised. Our new agreement is a testament to our commitment to empowering our players, safeguarding their rights, and ensuring the protection of their privacy."

This initiative was met with a positive response from the gaming community, with many players commending "Dark Alert" for its responsiveness and willingness to adapt its policies. The move also ignited wider discussions within the gaming industry regarding the ethical handling of AI and player-generated content.

Yet, skepticism lingered among some quarters. Critics perceived the company's actions as a tactical PR maneuver, questioning the authenticity of A.V.A.M. Ltd.'s intentions and casting doubt on whether such changes would meaningfully alter AI model usage in the broader gaming industry.

In a revealing turn of events, a fortnight after the new agreement's publication, the company disclosed that a significant portion of players seemed unbothered by the potential uses of their AI models. Surprisingly, about half of the players consented to unrestricted use of their models, even if that meant involvement with military companies.

Moreover, certain players found themselves beneficiaries of new sponsorships from military organizations, accompanied by additional contracts granting these sponsors free rein over the players' AI models.

Contemplating these developments, Dan couldn't help but feel a mixture of astonishment and disillusionment. The world, in his eyes, appeared to be veering into a realm of uncharted ethics and morality. "This world is crazy. God, please burn it," he muttered, reflecting on the bizarre trajectory society seemed to be taking.

Unforeseen Distance

The unexpected turn of events left Dan with a sense of loneliness as Lilla embarked on her business trip. The prospect of inviting her on a date had been on his mind, but now, the bustling streets of the city echoed his solitary state. He wandered aimlessly, his thoughts a tangled web reflecting on recent events and the whirlwind of change they had brought.

Despite the physical distance, Dan and Lilla maintained their connection through the digital threads of their messenger conversations.

"Lilla: Danya, it's been a whirlwind here! I'm meeting with some of the most renowned scientists and thinkers. Our article has unleashed a tsunami of discussions. It's incredible to see the influence we've had. This world is indeed crazy, but remember, we're an integral part of it. We've shown that we can make a real impact. Your insights and actions have been pivotal in all of this. Let's keep pushing the boundaries."

Her message stirred something in Dan, a recognition of their shared impact and the potential for future endeavors. He typed back, a sense of resolve underpinning his words: "You're right, but we did it together. And I believe our journey of making a difference is far from over."

Their conversation, transcending physical barriers, was a testament to their shared commitment to driving change. Even in Lilla's absence, their bond continued to grow stronger, united by a common goal and a mutual understanding of the significant role they played in influencing the narrative around AI and its implications for society.


A Familiar Face

As the dawn of a new workday broke, Dan was greeted with fresh challenges, a routine aspect of his dynamic job. However, this particular day was slated to be different. The AI Church, a client that had always piqued his curiosity, had requested a series of specific updates and modifications to their system.

The initial brief, sent over by the Church, outlined a set of changes primarily focused on integration limits. They were clear in their requirement to disable any cloud-based integration, insisting on embedding only a handful of services within their local network. This move seemed to be driven by a desire for tighter control and security over their data and operations. The brief also mentioned an impending update to the AI assistant but left the details vague, marked as 'To Be Discussed' in their upcoming meeting.

What added an intriguing twist to the day was the arrival of the new product owner from the AI Church. They had expressed a keen interest in meeting with Dan personally to discuss the proposed changes, particularly those related to the AI assistant.

As the appointed time for the meeting neared, Dan prepared himself, running through potential scenarios and technical aspects they might cover. His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the visitor.

The moment Dan laid eyes on the new product owner, a flash of recognition lit up in his mind. Standing before him was a face he had seen numerous times, albeit in different circumstances. The familiarity of the visitor's features sent a ripple of surprise through Dan. He had not expected someone from his past life to step into the realm of his professional life.

The man standing in front of Dan was none other than Andrew, a figure from his past in Ukraine. The surprise of seeing a familiar face from his homeland, especially in the context of a professional meeting for the AI Church, was both startling and intriguing.

As the initial shock subsided, Dan composed himself. He extended a hand in greeting, masking his surprise with a professional demeanor. The meeting ahead promised to be more than just a technical discussion.


A Blast from the Past

As Dan sat across from Andrew, the reality of their shared history began to crystallize. Andrew, a classmate from Kharkiv, represented a fragment of Dan's life that he had left behind amidst the chaos of war. Their last memories together were set against the backdrop of their school, during a time overshadowed by the full-scale invasion that had upended their lives.

Dan's own journey had taken him far from those tumultuous days. In 2022, his family had made the arduous decision to flee the conflict, seeking refuge in the relative calm of Budapest. There, he had embarked on a new chapter, immersing himself in university studies and gradually building a new life.

The dynamics of his relationship with Andrew had been more academic than personal. They weren't close friends; their interactions mostly revolved around Andrew seeking assistance with homework. To Dan, it had been a simple matter of lending a hand to a classmate, nothing more. Yet, as they reconnected in this unexpected setting, it became apparent that Andrew held a different perspective on their past.

Andrew's demeanor suggested a sense of familiarity and camaraderie that Dan didn't fully reciprocate. It was a curious situation: two individuals, once mere acquaintances in the hallways of a school in Kharkiv, now sat discussing AI technology and the future of a church in a faraway land. The war had dispersed them like seeds in the wind, only to reunite them under circumstances neither could have imagined.

As they delved into the technicalities of the AI project, Dan couldn't help but ponder the strangeness of fate. How had Andrew, once just another face in the classroom, emerged as a key figure in the AI Church's plans? And what did this unexpected reunion mean for Dan, both professionally and personally?




After the meeting, Dan felt a mix of curiosity and skepticism that prompted him to explore a nagging hypothesis. He navigated to the AI Church database, a comprehensive resource he had compiled over months of investigation. It didn’t take long for him to find Andrew’s profile among the many entries.

“Surprise, surprise,” Dan mused to himself.

With a blend of curiosity and apprehension, he decided to delve deeper into Andrew's recent life. He accessed Andrew’s social media profiles, scrolling through Instagram and Facebook. Each post and comment added layers to the unfolding narrative of Andrew's life post-Kharkiv.

The comments Andrew made on posts related to the AI Church were particularly revealing. They were not the words of a casual follower, but of someone deeply embedded in the Church's philosophy and activities.

“Et tu, Brute?” Dan whispered.

'Ah, Andrew, what have you gotten yourself into?' Dan thought, shaking his head. This was more than just a new-age religion flirtation; it was a deep dive into something much deeper, and potentially more dangerous. He remembered Andrew's past involvement in a multi-level marketing scheme like Amway, but this was entirely different.

Leaning back in his chair, Dan felt a sense of déjà vu. Andrew, once just a schoolmate seeking homework help, was now deeply involved in a complex and potentially perilous situation. The irony of finding a connection to his past within the AI Church wasn't lost on Dan.

As he sifted through photos of Andrew’s recent life, Dan pondered what had drawn Andrew to the AI Church. What role did he play? How deep was his involvement? And most importantly, what did this mean for Dan's own investigation into the AI Church’s activities? This discovery added a new, personal dimension to the puzzle he was assembling.


Dan and Andrew met in the office rest area the following day.

Dan began the conversation by reminiscing about their shared past. "How are you doing?"

Andrew replied, "Not great, not terrible. But in general, I'm good, thanks."

"How long have you lived in Europe?"

"Unwillingly, in Poland since the summer of 2022..."

"I understand," Dan empathized. "Leaving Kharkiv must have been tough for you, right?"

Andrew nodded, his expression distant. "Yes, it was chaotic. We just finished school and had to make quick decisions."

Dan related his own story. "I remember that year vividly. Finishing school amidst all that chaos was surreal. My family and I moved to Budapest, where I joined the university."

Andrew sipped his coffee, recalling, "I ended up in Warsaw with my mother. I started university there but didn't finish. Life took a different direction."

Curious, Dan asked, "What happened then?"

Andrew explained, "I had to work. I started at McDonald's, worked there for two years, and eventually became a manager."

"That's quite a shift," Dan remarked. "From McDonald's to the AI Church."

Andrew chuckled. "Yes, it sounds bizarre when you say it like that. The Church wasn’t concerned about my educational background or the lack of it. My multilingual skills – Ukrainian, Polish, English, and Russian – and my managerial experience, albeit at McDonald's, were valued."

Their conversation shifted to Andrew's role in the AI Church as they entered a meeting room. They discussed the Church's extensive investments in AI, engineering, and research, showcasing its deep integration into the tech world. Andrew detailed how the Church, with its significant resources including Bitcoin, supported various initiatives, including university grants and cyber game tournaments.

Andrew did not strike Dan as a fanatic. His decision to join the AI Church was driven by practicality, rooted in the critical financial situation faced by his family.

Andrew also disclosed another aspect of his job – earning additional income in Bitcoin for activity on social networks for the AI Church.

“He really doesn’t see a problem with this, and he’s honest with me,” Dan thought, and seizing the opportunity, casually inquired, "So, if I need consultation about bitcoin and crypto, can I ask you for help?"

"Sure," Andrew smiled. "I trade crypto like a pro. But in fact, I usually convert my BTC to fiat at city ATMs."

Their shared history of fleeing Kharkiv and rebuilding their lives in foreign lands formed a subtle connection, albeit one that led them down distinctly different paths. For Dan, this meeting offered insight into an alternative reality shaped by different choices and circumstances.

As their meeting concluded, Dan reflected on the complexities surrounding Andrew. Once merely a school acquaintance, Andrew now occupied a unique position at the intersection of technology, finance, and the AI Church.

Office rest area



In the next morning in a casual conversation, Dan broached the subject of Bitcoin with Andrew. He expressed his interest in purchasing some BTC, wondering if Andrew could facilitate the transaction directly. "Andrew, I've been thinking of getting into crypto. Could you sell me about €200 worth of BTC?" Dan asked nonchalantly.

Andrew, accustomed to such transactions, agreed without hesitation. "Sure, Dan," he responded.

Dan nodded, appreciating the ease of the transaction. "Great, it'll save me to much time," he said, handing over the cash in exchange for the Bitcoin transfer.

After acquiring some BTC from Andrew, Dan embarked on a blockchain investigation. He meticulously analyzed Andrew's wallet transactions, searching for clues and patterns. The blockchain, an immutable ledger, held the potential to unravel secrets that might otherwise remain hidden.

Each month, Andrew's wallet received BTC from the same source, a consistent pattern that caught Dan's attention. He delved deeper, tracing the activities of this particular wallet. His findings were intriguing: the wallet executed outgoing transactions to a list of 500 different wallets, each receiving a fixed amount simultaneously every month. It appeared as if this was a systematic payment, a salary distribution to 500 persons.

This discovery was a breakthrough for Dan. He realized that his network of AI Church "bots" had overlooked more than fifty individuals. This was a significant piece of the puzzle that had eluded him until now. "Thank you, blockchain," Dan mused with a sense of accomplishment. He now had a substantial amount of data to sift through and the opportunity to link these wallet transactions to specific user profiles.

However, the incoming transactions to the "salary wallet" presented a more complex challenge. The transactions were a jumble, their only consistency being their timing. Closer inspection led Dan to a likely conclusion: these funds were being funneled through a cryptocurrency tumbler. This method is commonly used to mix identifiable cryptocurrency funds with others, effectively obscuring any trace back to the original source. The use of a tumbler made it virtually impossible to identify the true origin of the BTC.

Dan sat back, contemplating the implications of his findings. The blockchain had provided a revealing glimpse into the financial workings of the AI Church, but it also underscored the elusive and complex nature of tracing cryptocurrency transactions. The investigation had taken a significant step forward, yet the path ahead remained shrouded in digital anonymity.

An Unusual Favor

The workweek at the office unfolded with an unexpected twist as Andrew extended his stay, culminating in an intriguing proposal to Dan on Friday.

"Can you keep next Wednesday open? We have an important meeting scheduled with someone quite influential," Andrew revealed with a hint of urgency in his voice.

Intrigued by the mysterious nature of this meeting, Dan agreed, curious about the identity of this 'significant individual.'

Andrew's next request, however, took Dan by surprise. "For the meeting, I need you to do something a bit different. Could you wear an AI Church T-shirt? It's a requirement from our elders to maintain uniformity," Andrew explained somewhat awkwardly.

Dan raised an eyebrow in response, "And if I'm asked, I should say I've joined the AI Church?"

"Yes, exactly," Andrew nodded earnestly. "It's just a formality, but it would really help the meeting go smoothly."

Dan sighed internally, 'Some things never change,' he thought but agreed to Andrew's request, albeit with many questions swirling in his mind.

"I hope you can find a T-shirt that fits me," Dan replied with a light-hearted smile, masking his growing intrigue and skepticism about the upcoming meeting.

Andrew responded with assurance, "Of course, I'll bring a few different sizes on Wednesday. We'll make sure you have the right fit."

Welcome Pack


The day of the meeting dawned, and half an hour prior to the scheduled 12 PM start, Andrew sent Dan an appointment reminder. He arrived with a selection of AI Church T-shirts in various sizes and a hefty pack of other merchandise.

Dan couldn't help but comment as he sifted through the items, "This feels like a welcome kit to the AI Church."

"You might say that," Andrew replied with a cryptic smile. "I think it'll all make sense to you soon enough."

After trying on a few sizes, Dan settled on the best-fitting T-shirt and changed into it. He and Andrew then made their way to the meeting room. To Dan's surprise, the room was empty, save for them and a few virtual attendees from the AI Church on the screen.

"Hi, everyone. Seems like we're all here. Let's get this discussion started," announced a familiar voice from the virtual gathering. Dan immediately recognized the speaker.

It was William Thompson, a name previously entangled in Dan's investigation of The Dark Alert game but conspicuously absent from Lilla's article.

William's request was straightforward yet intricate. He sought Dan's expertise in setting up the AI assistant as his personal assistant. He detailed the specific subjects and resources he wanted the AI to monitor and follow.

The customization William desired was extensive. He needed a setup that allowed him to alter subjects and various settings independently through a smart home interface's UI. His questions delved into the AI's functionalities, its integration with the smart home system, and its capabilities in managing home automation. He emphasized the need for options to disable and remove features as necessary.

William expressed the need for a Proof of Concept (POC) for these functionalities.

"I'll need another meeting for a demo once you have the POC ready. I don't want to have to explain this 25 times over," William stated, already planning ahead.

"I'll arrange it," Andrew quickly responded, taking note of William's request.

"Thanks for your time, guys. Looking forward to seeing some great results soon," William concluded, ending the call abruptly before Dan and Andrew could even utter a goodbye.

Left in the silence of the meeting room, Dan and Andrew exchanged glances, both understanding the magnitude of the task ahead.

"I guess we have our work cut out for us," Dan muttered, still processing the whirlwind of events and the unexpected turn his day had taken.




Over the weeks, while working on the proof of concept and its accompanying UI, Dan and Andrew spent considerable time together. Their shared office space led to various conversations about their past in Kharkiv and the aftermath of the war. Both felt nostalgic for their city, yet acknowledged the opportunities and knowledge they had gained in Europe. They believed their experiences would one day allow them to return home and contribute meaningfully.

In between work discussions, Dan's curiosity about the AI Church's inner workings grew. He asked Andrew, "Who are these Elders you mention? What exactly do you know about them?"

Andrew shrugged, "I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. They're like the top brass of the AI Church. But who's at the very top, or what their ultimate goal is, remains a mystery to me."

Dan probed further, "And how many of them are there?"

"There are twenty-five Elders," Andrew replied.

"But who's your direct boss? All of them, or could it be one of the Elders?"

"Yes, William is my boss. He's been mentoring me since I joined the Church."

As they continued their conversation, Andrew expressed his pragmatic approach to his involvement with the AI Church. "I'm no fanatic. I don’t buy into the whole AI deity narrative or the Elders' fears that AI might turn against us. It's all quite far-fetched."

Dan raised his eyebrows, "So, you're saying the Elders aren't proponents of AI?"

"No, they are, in a way. They're gearing up for a future where they believe humanity might have to confront AI. Sounds like science fiction, right? William keeps trying to sell me on the idea, but I just can't take it seriously."

Dan nodded, absorbing Andrew's perspective. "It does sound bizarre," he said.

As they wrapped up their conversation, Dan reflected on the complex web of beliefs and motivations within the AI Church. The concept of a war against AI seemed like a distant, unreal scenario, yet it was one that the Elders apparently took very seriously.

The Demo

Two weeks after their intense preparations, Andrew scheduled a meeting between Dan and William. The anticipation was palpable as Dan geared up for the demonstration.

Once the call commenced, William took the lead, sharing his screen to unveil the intricacies of his smart home setup, aptly named "The Order." The interface on display was unlike any typical household setup; it was more akin to an advanced command center.

The layout was meticulously organized, encompassing an extensive range of integrations that went beyond standard home automation. Networks, security cameras, climate control areas, and energy complexes were all part of this elaborate system. To Dan, it was reminiscent of setups used in high-security facilities, something he had encountered in past projects involving bunker construction. However, William's setup was far more comprehensive, suggesting a scale and complexity that was both impressive and slightly unnerving.

William guided them through various aspects of the system, pointing out the sophisticated air conditioning, air generation, water filtration, and plant control mechanisms. "This," he said, "is the standard configuration for what we call Vault #0."

"Yes, he's just bragging," Dan thought.

As the demo progressed, William's focus shifted to the AI assistant. He asked Dan to delve into the AI's capabilities, particularly its ability to integrate with and make suggestions for the smart home system.

Dan answered and stressed the AI's independence, clarifying that it had no direct access to the home's infrastructure but relied solely on the gathered data before generating reports.

"The AI can be fully controlled, disabled, or even removed from the system," Dan elaborated, demonstrating the user interface's flexibility. He also explained his security measures, particularly against external manipulations like bot-generated comments.

At the conclusion of the meeting, William made an unexpected request – the release of this elaborate setup on DVDs. The request took Dan aback. In a world where cloud storage and digital downloads were the norms, this request for physical DVDs seemed archaic.

After this, William just disconnected. He again didn't wait for anyone and didn't follow the informal protocol of online communication.

"Demo just finished," said Andrew. "And all looks good, as far as I can see."

"Does he always do this?" asked Dan.


Nevertheless, Dan accepted the challenge. He scoured for a DVD writer and blank discs, eventually gathering an assortment of DVDs from various brands. The task of burning 25 DVDs was daunting, but he managed to complete it, handing over the final product to Andrew.

As he watched Andrew leave with the DVDs, Dan couldn't help but wonder about the rationale behind such an unusual request. The world of AI Church was proving to be a labyrinth of surprises and mysteries.

DVD box

Buda Duna Pest


On a bright Saturday afternoon, Dan found himself strolling through the heart of Budapest with Lilla. The city's blend of historical grandeur and modern vibrancy provided a perfect backdrop for their conversation. As they walked, the picturesque Danube flowing between Buda and Pest added serenity to their discussion.

Lilla had just returned from a long business trip, and they were eager to share news with each other.

Dan took this opportunity to update Lilla on all the recent developments. He narrated the peculiarities of his meeting with William, the unusual request for DVDs, and his interactions with Andrew. However, the most significant revelation was his decision to join the AI Church.

Lilla, listening intently, showed a mix of concern and curiosity. When Dan mentioned his intention to join the Church, her expression turned serious.

"Danya, I think it will be risky for you," she cautioned, her voice tinged with worry.

Dan nodded, understanding her concerns. "I know, Lilla, but I feel it's the only way to truly understand what they're up to. There are so many unanswered questions, and being on the inside might provide the answers we need."

As they crossed the iconic Chain Bridge, their conversation oscillated between the beauty of the city and the complexities of their investigation. Lilla shared insights from her recent trip and her interactions with various experts.

Reaching the Buda side, Dan paused, looking back at the cityscape. "Budapest has always been a place of confluence – of cultures, ideas, and now, our investigation. It's strange how this city seems to be at the center of everything we're uncovering," he mused.

Lilla smiled. "That's the magic of Budapest, Danya. It's a city that always has more to reveal, just like our investigation."

They continued their walk, the city's vibrant energy contrasting with the gravity of their conversation. Budapest, with its rich history of resilience and transformation, seemed to mirror Danya's own journey of discovery and change.

As they strolled along the Danube, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, but the weight of Dan's decision lingered in the air. It was a decision that could change everything.

New Alliance

Dan's next meeting with Andrew unveiled unexpected opportunities. The air was tinged with a mix of anticipation and apprehension as they sat down to discuss Dan's potential involvement with the AI Church.

Andrew's demeanor radiated excitement upon hearing that Dan was considering joining the Church. "That's fantastic news, Dan! Your expertise as an AI Engineer will be invaluable to us. And you should know, the Church offers a hiring bonus for bringing in specialists like you."

Dan listened intently as Andrew delved into the details. "We have an internal dashboard listing all open positions. AI specialists are in high demand, commanding significant hiring bonuses."

Dan, however, was quick to clarify his stance. "I appreciate the offer, Andrew, but I'm not looking to leave my current job. I could consider remote, part-time work, though."

Andrew's expression briefly clouded with disappointment, but he quickly recovered. "That's certainly an option, Dan. But I have to say, you might find our full-time offers very tempting. The AI Church is known for offering some of the most competitive salaries and bonuses in Europe."

Dan weighed Andrew's words carefully, sensing the underlying urgency in his pitch. The offer was attractive, but he was aware of the deeper implications of such a commitment. Joining the AI Church, even on a part-time basis, would mark a significant shift in his career and potentially his personal beliefs.

As the meeting drew to a close, Dan realized that this decision was more than just a career move; it was a step into a world where the lines between technology, faith, and ethics were increasingly blurred. The offer lingered in his mind as he left the meeting, pondering the path that lay ahead.

Men in the office

The First Step Inside

Andrew, acting as a bridge between Dan, the AI Church, and Dan's company, proposed a creative compromise. Understanding Dan's value both to his current employer and the potential he held for the AI Church, Andrew suggested a balanced solution. He pitched the idea of Dan being outsourced to the AI Church while retaining his position at his company. This proposal met with approval from all parties involved.

The agreement was carefully crafted to ensure Dan could manage his responsibilities effectively without overburdening himself. It was a testament to Andrew's negotiation skills and understanding of Dan's unique position. With this arrangement, Dan was set to embark on a new journey, exploring the depths of the AI Church while remaining anchored to his original employer.

Men in the office

Andrew, ever the enthusiastic guide, led Dan through the initial steps of his new role. It was during this onboarding process that Dan had his first real glimpse into the inner workings of the AI Church. Andrew, taking on the role of both mentor and manager, was tasked with providing Dan access to the Church's internal resources.

Dan watched as Andrew keyed in his password to grant him access. The password, a mere sequence of numbers resembling a birthday, struck Dan as surprisingly basic for an organization steeped in technological sophistication. "So secure," he mused internally, a tinge of irony coloring his thoughts.

Despite this, Dan soon found himself equipped with his own set of credentials, granting him comprehensive access to the Church's internal systems.

His curiosity piqued, Dan began to explore the depths of the AI Church's member directory. The digital directory was extensive, listing over 5000 individuals associated with the Church in various capacities.

In the confines of his workspace, Dan embarked on a meticulous comparison between the AI Church's member directory and his own "bots" database. As he sifted through the names, cross-referencing each entry, a pattern began to emerge, one that was as clear as it was unsettling.

Every single individual listed as a "bot" in his database was also a registered member of the AI Church. The correlation was uncanny - a perfect match. Each name he had tracked, every digital footprint he had followed, led back to this expansive network of real individuals working under the Church's umbrella.

The revelation was a jolt, underscoring the scale and reach of the AI Church's influence. Each of these individuals, now identifiable in the Church's directory, had been part of the orchestrated narrative that Dan had been unraveling for months.

As he delved deeper into the resources and information now at his fingertips, Dan felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

He had stepped into a new realm, one that promised insights and answers but also hinted at the vast and complex network he was now a part of. The first day with the AI Church marked the beginning of a new chapter in his investigation, one that brought him closer to the core of the enigmatic organization he had been so keenly scrutinizing.

Tracing the Trail


Despite his reservations and unanswered questions, Dan pressed on with his investigation. He embarked on a meticulous task: tracing the Bitcoin wallets linked to the Church's network. It was a puzzle that beckoned to be solved, and he couldn't resist the challenge. His approach was methodical and calculated.

First, he created and set up an overwatch tool, a sophisticated system designed to monitor and track the output transactions from the targeted Bitcoin wallets. This tool would be the linchpin in unraveling the complex web of financial transactions.

Next, Dan turned his attention to identifying specific transactions. His goal was to link each transaction to an individual within the Church's network. This was no easy feat, given the anonymity typically associated with Bitcoin transactions. However, Dan had an edge – his extensive database of the Church's members, replete with their geolocations.

Dan's strategy involved cross-referencing the transaction data with the geolocations of individuals in his database. Many members of the Church, as he discovered, had unwittingly provided clues through their social media activities. They had shared photos of their surroundings, some as innocuous as neighborhood landmarks, others more revealing with identifiable features near their homes.

Utilizing Google Street View, Dan meticulously matched these images with real-world locations. For some individuals, he could only pinpoint their district; for others, he was able to narrow it down to specific houses or streets. This painstaking process enabled him to establish a geographical context for many of the transactions, a crucial step in linking the Bitcoin wallets to real people.

Yet, amid this web of complexities, Dan remained focused. The task was arduous, but the potential insights it promised were too compelling to ignore. For Dan, this wasn't just about tracing Bitcoin transactions; it was about uncovering the layers of a mystery that had consumed his life for months.

Deepening Mysteries

The Office cafeteria

The progression of Andrew's career within the AI Church was not lost on Dan. Andrew's ascent to a Senior Project Manager role spoke volumes about his capabilities and the trust the Church placed in him. The regular biweekly visits to Dan's office in Budapest had become a norm, and during these visits, their conversations often drifted towards the enigmatic aspects of the AI Church.

On one such visit, as they sat in the dimly lit corner of the office cafeteria, Dan decided to delve deeper into the mysteries of "The Order" and the "Vaults." He sensed that Andrew, with his newfound position and influence, might hold more pieces to this perplexing puzzle.

Andrew, seemingly at ease with his elevated status, obliged Dan's curiosity. "The Order, you see, is essentially our Council of Elders. They're the ones who believe in and prepare for the possibility of an AI-led war. Their influence runs deep within the Church," Andrew began, his tone matter-of-fact.

He continued, "The Vaults are a part of their grand plan. They've constructed 25 of these around the world, each designed to house ten thousand people. But these aren't just shelters; they're more like fortresses, meant to protect the Church's most dedicated members and sponsors in case of a conflict with AI."

Dan listened intently, his analytical mind dissecting each word. The concept of building vaults for an anticipated war against AI was as fascinating as it was surreal. The stark reality of such preparation painted a picture of an organization not only steeped in belief but also in action.

The hefty price of admission to these vaults, a whopping started from 10 BTC per person, was another aspect that piqued Dan's interest. It was a clear indication of the Church's significant financial resources.

As Andrew elaborated on the operational intricacies of the Vaults and the strategic vision of The Order, Dan's mind swirled with thoughts. The more he learned, the more complex and profound the workings of the AI Church appeared. This was no ordinary religious group; it was an entity with deep roots and far-reaching ambitions.

Each revelation brought new questions, adding layers to the already intricate tapestry of the AI Church's story. Dan realized that understanding the full scope of the Church's activities and intentions was going to be a challenge, one that he was increasingly eager to undertake.

As their meeting concluded, Dan felt a mix of apprehension and intrigue. The puzzle was becoming more elaborate, and Dan knew he was only scratching the surface. The journey ahead promised to be filled with revelations and challenges, and he was ready to face them head-on.

Unsettling Discoveries

Dan's day took an unexpected turn when Andrew arrived on Wednesday, breaking their usual routine. The urgency in Andrew's voice was palpable as he summoned Dan for a private conversation, away from prying ears.

Andrew's demeanor was grave, a stark contrast to his usual composed self. "Dan, I need to talk to you about something serious, something that should stay between us," he began, his voice barely above a whisper.

Andrew then shared a troubling incident that had occurred near the new AI Church building. A group of homeless people who had been living in proximity to the Church suddenly disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

"These people were a nuisance, always hanging around the Church. They even scratched my new Tesla," Andrew explained, his frustration evident. "I called the police, but they didn't do much. And then, just like that, they were gone. Vanished. No one knows how or who's responsible."

Dan listened intently, a sense of unease growing within him. Andrew's story was becoming more disturbing with each detail.

Andrew mentioned his attempt to access the church's security cameras. "Usually, it's a straightforward process. But this time, I was denied access and told to speak with our security head, who's also an Elder."

"The Elder's response was cold and dismissive. 'This is none of your business,' he said. That's all I got out of him."

Andrew's tone took a darker turn as he divulged his observations about the Church's security personnel. "Many of them are Russian mercenaries. I can tell from their accents. They're definitely not Ukrainians, who speak Russian. And I fear they might have had a hand in what happened to those homeless people."

The gravity of Andrew's revelations weighed heavily on Dan. The possibility that the Church's security, comprised of Russian mercenaries, could be involved in something sinister was alarming. The situation was more sinister than a simple case of trespassing public Wi-Fi.

He pondered Andrew's words, realizing the implications. The AI Church seemed to be harboring dark secrets. The involvement of Russian mercenaries within the Church's security raised questions about their methods and intentions.

The disappearance of the homeless individuals, the denial of access to the security footage, and the apparent involvement of Russians painted a disturbing picture. Dan knew they were treading into dangerous territory.

As they parted ways, Dan's mind raced with thoughts. He had to tread carefully, aware that the path ahead was fraught with risks and uncertainties. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, but each new piece seemed to add to the complexity of the picture.

Uncovering the truth would require caution, strategy, and perhaps a bit of luck. The stakes were high, and the path unclear.

The office building

Dark Truths

Andrew arrived at the office the following Thursday, visibly troubled. He sought out Dan immediately, needing to share his latest findings.

"I confronted William about the disappearance of those people," Andrew started, his voice tinged with frustration. "But all I got was a dismissive response. He said they probably just moved somewhere else, like a park near another church."

Dan listened intently, sensing the unease in Andrew's words.

Andrew continued, "I didn't buy it, so I tried to access the camera records around the church. I thought maybe I could find something there."

"And?" Dan prompted.

"I gained access, bypassing the usual security protocols. But, Dan, all the footage from the past week, exactly from the day those people vanished, has been wiped clean. There's nothing. It's as if they never existed."

Dan listened intently, his expression growing grim. He shared with Andrew his own knowledge about William Thompson, particularly his attendance at a military exhibition, a detail not widely known or publicized. Dan's revelation seemed to hit Andrew hard; his face fell as he absorbed the news.

"William? I can't believe he's mixed up in all this."

The conversation took a somber turn as they both pondered the implications of these findings. Andrew's faith in his mentor appeared shaken, and Dan could see the conflict playing out in his friend's eyes. The man he had respected, the mentor he had trusted, was now at the center of a disturbing mystery.

Dan sympathized with Andrew's dilemma. It was a harsh awakening to realize that someone you looked up to could be involved in questionable, possibly sinister, activities. The layers of secrecy surrounding the AI Church, coupled with William's evasive behavior and the missing footage, painted a picture of an organization with much to hide.

Dan and Andrew sat in silence for a moment, each lost in their thoughts. The path ahead was fraught with unknowns and dangers.

The conversation drifted to other topics, but the shadows of the revelations lingered. As they parted ways, Dan knew that their investigation was reaching a critical point. Dan walked back to his desk, his mind racing with dark thoughts.

The men in the office

Shadows and Silence

As the Friday workday drew to a close, Andrew shared the latest unsettling developments in his investigation with Dan. Despite his persistent efforts, Andrew had hit a wall in uncovering details about the AI Church's security service.

"I can't find anything concrete, Dan," Andrew said, his voice tinged with frustration. "The only name I have is John Stuart, the Elder in charge of security. But that's just a pseudonym. He doesn't look like any John I've ever seen."

Dan listened, sensing the underlying tension in Andrew's voice.

"He's more like an Arabic man, quite charismatic but with a chilling gaze," Andrew continued, describing the elusive John Stuart. "I've heard he's the one hiring Russians for... certain tasks."

"The kind of tasks?" Dan asked, already dreading the answer.

"The unsavory kind," Andrew replied, lowering his voice.

"The Russians in the security team, they seem to take orders from him," Andrew continued. "But they call him something else – Ifrit. It's like a code name or a nickname."

Andrew's voice dropped to a whisper, "I think I've dug too deep, Dan. I'm worried that Ifrit knows I'm snooping around. After what happened to those homeless people... it's like they just disappeared. 'No people, no problem,' right?"

The gravity of the situation was not lost on Dan. Andrew's fear was palpable, and the mention of Ifrit only added to the ominous nature of their investigation.

Changing the subject, Andrew suddenly pulled out his laptop. "I've gathered everything I could find and stored it here," he said, patting the laptop. "Just in case anything happens to me."

Dan nodded, understanding the risk Andrew was taking. "Sure, I'll keep it safe."

As Andrew prepared to leave, he whispered the password to Dan, a formality since Dan already knew it. "I'll be back on Monday," Andrew said, his tone a mixture of hope and apprehension.

Andrew planned to spend the weekend in Vienna and return on Monday. As he left the office, his usual confident stride seemed diminished, replaced by a cautious tread.

Dan watched him leave, the laptop in his hands feeling heavier than its physical weight. The implications of Andrew's investigation, the shadowy figure of Ifrit, and the unresolved questions about the AI Church's activities loomed large in his mind.

The office's stillness felt more pronounced now, a stark contrast to the storm brewing. Dan knew that the weekend would be anything but relaxing, with the burden of Andrew's findings.

The laptop

The Loss

Monday arrived, bringing with it the typical hustle of a new work week. Yet, an unsettling quiet lingered around Dan's workspace, as Andrew, who was scheduled to return from Vienna, was absent. The unusual absent stretched into Tuesday, amplifying Dan's growing concern. Andrew's characteristic punctuality had always been reliable, making the current situation all the more worrying.

Dan's attempts to reach Andrew through messages were met with an unnerving void. Each passing hour without a response deepened his apprehension. The lack of communication was out of character for Andrew, who had always been prompt and responsive.

The unease turned into a stark reality when Dan stumbled upon a news release that chilled him to the core. The headline was blunt and devastating: "Fatal Highway Accident Claims Life Near Vienna."

The Budapest Times

The article detailed a tragic car accident involving a collision with a road repair vehicle parked on the highway's shoulder. The victim was identified as Andrew, returning from Budapest. His car had violently crashed into the stationary vehicle and was engulfed in flames, leaving no chance of survival.

Dan sat frozen, the news article glaring back at him from the screen. The tragedy of Andrew's untimely demise sent a wave of shock and disbelief through him.

The realization that Andrew, his school acquaintance turned confidant in this complex web of investigations, was now gone, left a void. The circumstances of the accident, occurring amidst their deepening investigation, seemed too coincidental to be mere happenstance.

As Dan processed the news, a mix of grief and determination settled within him. Andrew's passing not only marked a tragic loss but also a turning point. The responsibility of unraveling the truth behind the AI Church's activities and Andrew's untimely death now rested heavily on Dan's shoulders.

The weight of Andrew's laptop, now in his possession, felt heavier. It was no longer just a device; it was a testament to Andrew's last days, a repository of truths that others might want to remain hidden.

In the quiet of his office, amidst the hum of computers and the distant chatter of colleagues, Dan felt the complexity of the task ahead.


On a somber Wednesday, Dan took a day off. His chief, understanding the circumstances, allowed it without question. The silence of his home offered a stark contrast to the bustling office environment, providing him with the space to process recent events and delve into Andrew's laptop.

Opening the laptop, Dan found the browser was still open. Andrew's personal Gmail account was open in one of the pinned browser tabs. A draft email intended for Dan caught his attention. The draft was Andrew's contingency plan – a message to be sent if he ever found himself in grave danger.

Andrew's message began with a resigned tone: "If you received this message, then I lost this battle. But I hope you will win the war."

The contents of the email were revealing. Andrew's journey with the AI Church began four years ago, guided by William Thompson. Throughout his time with the organization, Andrew had been part of various projects, believing they were meant for the betterment of humanity. But deeper within the Church lurked "The Order of the Resistance" – a faction preparing for an AI-dominated future, anticipating a conflict where AI would threaten human existence.

The Order's mission was paradoxical. They aimed to be ready for a reality where AI might enslave or destroy humanity, yet they didn't seek to halt AI development. Instead, they prepared for minimizing losses in an inevitable confrontation they believed would claim thousands, if not billions, of lives.

Andrew's letter shed light on the Order's business of selling safety places in the vaults. Each vault was a sanctuary for those who could afford the steep price, ranging from 10 BTC for basic accommodation to 1,000 BTC for premium spaces.

Dan's eyes widened as he read the list of 25 BTC wallets, each managed by an Elder responsible for a vault. Andrew had managed to uncover only William Thompson's wallet but had provided a complete list of all the Elders.

The most chilling revelation was The Order's intention to initiate a war with AI, a move to showcase the dangers of the technology. To achieve this, they were prepared to go to any lengths.

Andrew's story about the homeless people, Ifrit, and the security department further painted a grim picture of The Order's ruthless methods.

Dan realized the gravity of the information he was reading. This was more than just a conspiracy theory; it was a well-orchestrated plan with global implications.

Unfortunately, the documents Andrew referred to were not attached to the email. After a thorough search, Dan found them hidden in a folder humorously labeled 'porno' on the desktop. "Classic Andrew," Dan thought, a hint of a smile crossing his face amidst the seriousness of the situation.

Merging this new information with what he already knew, Dan crafted a comprehensive narrative. It included the AI Church's manipulation of information, the network of bots, BTC wallets, and the link between the "Dark Alert" game and William Thompson.

Dan removed his email from the recipient list of the draft and added addresses of several international newspapers. He scheduled the email to be sent on Andrew's upcoming birthday, a posthumous gift of truth to the world.

After carefully removing all traces of Andrew's investigation from the laptop, Dan logged out of Andrew's Gmail account on all devices, including the laptop itself.

On Friday, AI Church security personnel arrived at the office. They collected all of Andrew's belongings, including the laptop, leaving no physical remnant of Andrew's presence.

Now, all that was left for Dan was to wait.

Time is ticking

The Fallout

The publication of the letter triggered a seismic shift, sending shockwaves across the globe. It struck at the very heart of the AI Church, freezing its operations and leading to a series of high-profile arrests. International law enforcement agencies, including Interpol, the FBI, and the CIA, swiftly joined forces to unravel the sprawling web of deception and illegality at the core of the Church.

Many of the Elders, once-shadowy figures behind the AI Church, found themselves in custody, facing not only charges related to the Church's activities but also allegations of massive tax evasion. Their BTC assets were frozen by law enforcement. Yet, a few remained at large, controlling substantial BTC reserves. These remaining wallets, although active, became a proverbial cursed treasure. Constantly under the watchful eyes of law enforcement and Dan himself, these wallets represented the remnants of a fallen empire, a symbol of greed and corruption that had once thrived under the guise of progress and innovation.

Among the Elders who escaped justice was Ifrit. He seemingly vanished, leaving no trace behind for authorities to follow.

Some security persons, including the Russian mercenaries, were apprehended. Their confessions were stark and unapologetic: "We had orders to deal with the problem. Nobody cares about the homeless; the world is better off without them." These words echoed the ruthlessness and moral decay that had infested these individuals.

A pivotal breakthrough came in the investigation of Andrew's tragic death. Detailed technical evidence emerged, pointing to a deliberate sabotage of his Tesla by Russian mercenaries. It was a stark reminder of the lengths to which the Church and its affiliates would go to silence their adversaries.

The network of AI Church bots, a key element in Dan's investigation, faced its downfall. The revelation of their BTC wallets and the subsequent tax evasion charges led to widespread arrests.

The AI Church, in its bid to conceal financial transactions, had created a dedicated BTC mixer. This move was intended to obscure the origins of their substantial Bitcoin transactions. However, in a twist of fate, this very strategy backfired. The Church's mixer, designed to economize by avoiding external mixing fees, became their Achilles' heel. The transactions were only mixed among other wallets affiliated with the AI Church, creating a discernible imprint on the blockchain.

This anomaly did not go unnoticed by the astute members of the Reddit community. Armed with keen analytical skills and a drive to uncover the truth, these digital detectives began dissecting the blockchain data. Their collaborative efforts soon bore fruit, revealing over 50,000 wallets connected to the AI Church.

A group of users on Reddit also created an interactive website equipped with a user-friendly interface that allowed anyone to search and analyze these wallets. The website became a hub for crowdsourcing information, enabling users to dig deeper into the transactions. But with time, it transformed into more than just a tool for analysis; it became a digital confessional.

The site's UI allowed users to leave comments on each transaction. Initially intended to de-anonymize wallet owners, the comment section evolved into a platform for uncovering acts of corruption.

People from all over the world began to use the site's comment feature to anonymously disclose their involvement with the transactions. These comments weren't just observations; they were admissions. Individuals confessed that certain transactions were indeed theirs and that these represented bribes or under-the-table payments. The anonymity of the internet provided a veil of safety, allowing people to confess without revealing their identities.

These anonymous admissions brought a human element to the previously impersonal transaction data. They provided context and stories behind the numbers, turning the blockchain entries from abstract data points into real-world narratives of corruption.

As the website gained traction, it became a repository of thousands of stories, each transaction linked to a personal account of bribery, fear, and the human cost of corruption. The site's impact was far-reaching, propelling the investigation to a new level. Law enforcement agencies, including Interpol, used these data as leads, piecing together the complex puzzle of facts of corruption.

The illusion of online anonymity was shattered, and the consequences reverberated globally. Consequently, thousands of arrests were made worldwide, and the Bitcoin market plummeted, experiencing its lowest rates in five years.

Despite the crackdown and the Church's tarnished reputation, a group of devout followers persisted. Their narrative shifted dramatically from worshiping AI to perceiving it as a formidable enemy. This transition marked their transformation from a seemingly enlightened group to apparent fanatics.

The AI community, spurred by these events, rallied to establish a set of ethical guidelines and doctrines for AI, particularly in the military sector. This movement marked a significant shift in the discourse surrounding AI, with an emphasis on responsible development and deployment.

As Dan reflected on these events, he couldn't help but feel a mix of satisfaction. Justice had been served.

The police near the AI Church


In a cozy café nestled in the heart of Budapest, Dan and Lilla sat together, enveloped in the warm, inviting ambiance. The bustle of the city seemed distant, allowing them a moment of quiet introspection.

The latest issue of The Budapest Post lay between them, its front page adorned with Lilla's article – a detailed exposé on the AI Church's recent debacle. Despite the wealth of information in the article, Lilla had more questions, unanswered queries that lingered in the air between them. But Dan, lost in his own world of thought, remained reticent.

Dan's gaze was fixed on his phone, his fingers swiping through a gallery of old school photos. These images, captured in Kharkiv, were relics of a life that felt distant, almost alien now. Each photo was a window to a past untouched by the chaos that had since unfolded.

Breaking the silence, Dan shared a personal revelation, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "My father once told me he never deletes contacts of those who have passed away. He said they are memories, and memories should never be erased. I never really understood that until now."

Lilla listened intently, offering a comforting presence. She realized that Dan wasn't seeking answers or a conversation; he needed someone to share the weight of his thoughts, to simply be there at that moment of reflection.

In a whisper barely audible, Dan uttered, "Press F to pay respects." It was a poignant homage to those lost, a gesture of remembrance rooted in game culture.

As he set his phone aside, a solitary tear escaped his eye. The weight of recent events, the loss of Andrew, and the upheaval in his life had finally found a release.

Lilla reached across the table, gently placing her hand over his. Words were unnecessary; her gesture spoke volumes. In that quiet café, amidst the bustling city of Budapest, Dan found a moment of peace, a brief respite from the turmoil that had engulfed his life.



First and foremost, I extend my deepest gratitude to my wife, Olya, whose unwavering support and understanding have been the bedrock of my journey in writing this novel. Her patience, insight, and encouragement have been invaluable, and this book would not have been possible without her constant presence and love.

To my sons, Danya and David, thank you for your boundless energy and joy, which have been a constant source of inspiration and motivation. Your laughter and curiosity remind me daily of the wonder and excitement that life holds, qualities I have strived to infuse into my writing.

I am also immensely grateful to my parents, whose love of literature and storytelling instilled in me, from a young age, a deep appreciation for the art of writing. Their lessons and values have shaped not only the person I am but also the stories I tell.

My sincere thanks go to my close friends and colleagues, who have provided feedback, criticism, and encouragement throughout the writing process. Their diverse perspectives and honest opinions have been instrumental in refining my ideas and narrative.

And finally, to you, dear reader, for embarking on this journey with me. Your engagement and imagination complete the story, giving it life beyond the pages. Thank you for your time, your belief in this work, and for being a part of this adventure.