The Loss

Monday arrived, bringing with it the typical hustle of a new work week. Yet, an unsettling quiet lingered around Dan's workspace, as Andrew, who was scheduled to return from Vienna, was absent. The unusual absent stretched into Tuesday, amplifying Dan's growing concern. Andrew's characteristic punctuality had always been reliable, making the current situation all the more worrying.

Dan's attempts to reach Andrew through messages were met with an unnerving void. Each passing hour without a response deepened his apprehension. The lack of communication was out of character for Andrew, who had always been prompt and responsive.

The unease turned into a stark reality when Dan stumbled upon a news release that chilled him to the core. The headline was blunt and devastating: "Fatal Highway Accident Claims Life Near Vienna."

The Budapest Times

The article detailed a tragic car accident involving a collision with a road repair vehicle parked on the highway's shoulder. The victim was identified as Andrew, returning from Budapest. His car had violently crashed into the stationary vehicle and was engulfed in flames, leaving no chance of survival.

Dan sat frozen, the news article glaring back at him from the screen. The tragedy of Andrew's untimely demise sent a wave of shock and disbelief through him.

The realization that Andrew, his school acquaintance turned confidant in this complex web of investigations, was now gone, left a void. The circumstances of the accident, occurring amidst their deepening investigation, seemed too coincidental to be mere happenstance.

As Dan processed the news, a mix of grief and determination settled within him. Andrew's passing not only marked a tragic loss but also a turning point. The responsibility of unraveling the truth behind the AI Church's activities and Andrew's untimely death now rested heavily on Dan's shoulders.

The weight of Andrew's laptop, now in his possession, felt heavier. It was no longer just a device; it was a testament to Andrew's last days, a repository of truths that others might want to remain hidden.

In the quiet of his office, amidst the hum of computers and the distant chatter of colleagues, Dan felt the complexity of the task ahead.