A Familiar Face

As the dawn of a new workday broke, Dan was greeted with fresh challenges, a routine aspect of his dynamic job. However, this particular day was slated to be different. The AI Church, a client that had always piqued his curiosity, had requested a series of specific updates and modifications to their system.

The initial brief, sent over by the Church, outlined a set of changes primarily focused on integration limits. They were clear in their requirement to disable any cloud-based integration, insisting on embedding only a handful of services within their local network. This move seemed to be driven by a desire for tighter control and security over their data and operations. The brief also mentioned an impending update to the AI assistant but left the details vague, marked as 'To Be Discussed' in their upcoming meeting.

What added an intriguing twist to the day was the arrival of the new product owner from the AI Church. They had expressed a keen interest in meeting with Dan personally to discuss the proposed changes, particularly those related to the AI assistant.

As the appointed time for the meeting neared, Dan prepared himself, running through potential scenarios and technical aspects they might cover. His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the visitor.

The moment Dan laid eyes on the new product owner, a flash of recognition lit up in his mind. Standing before him was a face he had seen numerous times, albeit in different circumstances. The familiarity of the visitor's features sent a ripple of surprise through Dan. He had not expected someone from his past life to step into the realm of his professional life.

The man standing in front of Dan was none other than Andrew, a figure from his past in Ukraine. The surprise of seeing a familiar face from his homeland, especially in the context of a professional meeting for the AI Church, was both startling and intriguing.

As the initial shock subsided, Dan composed himself. He extended a hand in greeting, masking his surprise with a professional demeanor. The meeting ahead promised to be more than just a technical discussion.
